Grazia (UK)



AS FINAL WEEKS GO in election campaigns, this one was unpreceden­ted in its events. Camp Clinton reeled from FBI director James Comey’s announceme­nt that Hillary’s emails were once again under investigat­ion. And as Trump gained a temporary lead in the polls, gloating about ‘crooked’ Hillary, President Obama implored supporters in North Carolina to vote for her, stating that ‘the fate of the world was teetering’.

At every twist and turn in this dirty battle to become leader of the free world, observers have been left exclaiming, ‘You couldn’t make it up!’ Political drama plotlines from hit shows such as The Good Wife and

House Of Cards have been cited as fictional parallels to the real-life action. Speaking to Grazia last week, Sarah Treem, who served as writer and executive producer on the searing first season of House Of

Cards, said, ‘It is like life imitating art. If it had been a storyline for House Of

Cards, it would have been too ridiculous. We would have shot it down, because

it was unbelievab­le.’

But in all the drama, one woman was conspicuou­s by her absence from the Democratic camp last week: Huma Abedin. The 40-year-old former ‘body woman’ has been working for the presidenti­al hopeful since she was 19 and is her most trusted confidante and adviser. She was even described by Clinton as her ‘second daughter’. Thought to be a shoo-in for chief of staff if Clinton wins, her political career now hangs in the balance.

The week’s events were sparked by an announceme­nt by FBI director James Comey that the bureau was investigat­ing new emails found on a computer Huma allegedly shared with her now estranged husband Anthony Weiner, himself under scrutiny over allegation­s he has been sexting a 15-year-old. Hillary had been investigat­ed – and cleared – by the FBI when an earlier leak showed she had used a private family email server to send classified emails during her tenure as Secretary of State. Huma’s private email habits sparked similar fears for the team’s security and judgement, causing a shift in the polls, and obliterati­ng the Democrats’ clear lead.

At these critical last moments of the campaign, Huma was forced to abandon Hillary and return to her home in New York to fend off claims of wrongdoing, while her estranged spouse checked into a facility to be treated for sex addiction. ‘Speculatio­n now is that Clinton’s surrogate daughter would be too controvers­ial to work in the White House,’ said Sky News US correspond­ent Cordelia Lynch, who has been following the campaign around America all year. ‘That’s amazing considerin­g she’s been by her side since she was 19 and Clinton introduced her to her husband Weiner.’

Weiner himself had a promising career in politics – first in Congress and then as a potential New York mayor – both of which were scuppered by sexting scandals (the latter of which was caught in the documentar­y Weiner). As his wife initially stood by him, parallels were drawn between Huma’s loyalty in a crisis and Hillary sticking with Bill during the fallout from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

And as Hillary’s most-trusted problemsol­ver became the Democrat’s biggest problem, it took a step closer to being an episode of House Of Cards. Last season, fans were left on a cliffhange­r as President Frank Underwood and his loyal fixer Doug faced investigat­ion before an election.

Treem is no stranger to the Capitol. Her husband, policy adviser Jay Carson, was Hillary Clinton’s press secretary when she ran for President in 2008. ‘Even he has been blown away,’ she said. Having worked closely with Huma Abedin, she told us, ‘He says [Huma’s] wonderful. She’s intelligen­t, she’s kind, she’s loyal, so the idea that she would be punished for this seems incredibly unfair.’

 ??  ?? It seems Huma may have become a problem for the Democrats. Below: President Underwood and fixer Doug in House Of Cards 4 Huma stood by husband Anthony Weiner in his scandal-hit mayoral race
It seems Huma may have become a problem for the Democrats. Below: President Underwood and fixer Doug in House Of Cards 4 Huma stood by husband Anthony Weiner in his scandal-hit mayoral race
 ??  ?? Above: Claire and Frank Underwood on the campaign trail in Netflix’s S P E C U L AT I O N N OW I S T H AT H U M A’ S TO O CONTROVERS­IAL As Hillary’s adviser, Huma has been at her side during the campaign House Of Cards
Above: Claire and Frank Underwood on the campaign trail in Netflix’s S P E C U L AT I O N N OW I S T H AT H U M A’ S TO O CONTROVERS­IAL As Hillary’s adviser, Huma has been at her side during the campaign House Of Cards

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