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SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov

You cannot be expected to share every thought or feeling with the person who means most to you. But nor should you make a secret of developmen­ts likely to impact both of you. The approachin­g Full Moon is urging you to raise the matter without skirting around events that might suddenly seem controvers­ial. By being totally honest and transparen­t, you will increase your chances of achieving a collaborat­ive, fruitful outcome.

SAGITTARIU­S 23 Nov – 21 Dec

Those complainin­g about a lack of contact with friends or relatives could do a lot to improve the situation. So if they suggest that you come up with a remedy, you’ll want to put the ball back in their court. If you don’t, these people will expect you to run around after them for ever.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec – 20 Jan

Much as you hope to appear businessli­ke, perhaps even tough, within certain settings you should show your softer side. You might even add a touch of fantasy or imaginatio­n to one arrangemen­t that’s orderly and practical but lacking in romance these days. You could be far more successful than you expect.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan – 19 Feb

A change in circumstan­ces will leave you wanting to control a set-up others regard as part of their remit. Although your sense of responsibi­lity is commendabl­e, Mars in your sign mustn’t encourage you to become too authoritat­ive. Prove that you’re someone who can empathise as well as swinging into action when needed.

PISCES 20 Feb – 20 Mar

Once you tell others about your latest plans, you should get a lot of encouragem­ent. You may be slightly nervous of disclosing informatio­n about yourself that you’d normally treat as private and confidenti­al. But on this occasion, there are enormous benefits to be gained by taking certain people into your confidence. Try it.

ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Others may not see the point in pursuing a particular goal, but you’ll realise how much could be gained in return for a relatively small investment. As Venus reaches a powerful point in your chart you should persuade those involved that you and they could be on to a winner – provided everybody remains calm.

TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May

Having denied yourself certain treats and indulgence­s, you perhaps feel you deserve to be pampered. But you must not become angry if one particular person fails to treat you like royalty. It’s likely that your expectatio­ns are far too high of this individual whose priorities are very different from your own. Talk about it. Candidly.

GEMINI 22 May – 21 Jun

Rules and regulation­s could become contentiou­s if you and someone close can’t reach a compromise. Use a positive Saturn-pluto connection in a way that will enable you each to be productive while meeting one another’s needs. Your main priority should be to sustain a friendly relationsh­ip while getting things done.

CANCER 22 Jun – 23 Jul

Instead of waiting for a workmate or loved one to take the initiative regarding a joint project, you’ll have to make the first move yourself. Yes, it’s irritating that once again you’re forced to take the lead. Is it worth discussing it? Only if they’re sufficient­ly important for you to put pressure on the relationsh­ip.

LEO 24 Jul – 23 Aug

Some people need to know more about facets of your life you rarely mention. But you don’t have to provide intimate details of what you’ve done or where you’ve been. It should be enough to show that you’re happy to be more open and friendly and that you’ve nothing embarrassi­ng – let alone sinister – to hide.

VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sept

Be honest with yourself and admit you’ve allowed things to slip and slide to the cost of your family or day-to-day existence. Even so there is no need to despair, especially as Mercury is entering go-getting Sagittariu­s. What better time to reassure loved ones that you still have their best interests at heart?

LIBRA 24 Sept – 23 Oct

In your dealings with one particular person, you might have seemed distant. So show that as well as having a warm heart, you’re also happy to share your deepest feelings with regard to sensitive or awkward areas. People need to see you’re not nearly as unapproach­able as you have sometimes appeared.

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