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- by peter watson

virgo 24 Aug – 23 Sep

At times, you’ll feel inclined to do battle with someone who would like to see proof that your latest ideas will work well. True, Neptune is being challenged by Mercury and then Mars, so you’ll feel encouraged to break a few boundaries. Within a few days, however, you’ll realise that you’re dealing with the kind of person who talks sense. And you mustn’t be too proud to admit it – and act on what you hear.

libra 24 Sep – 23 Oct

Some people will look to you as an example of how to get things done. And you mustn’t disillusio­n them by being self-deprecatin­g and insisting there’s nothing special about your achievemen­ts. If you’re honest with yourself, you must know you’ve achieved something impressive. And others have a right to acknowledg­e it.

scorpio 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Listen carefully as colleagues or friends suggest ways in which a certain arrangemen­t could be improved. If some aspects of what they’re saying seem unusual, don’t assume that this is a problem. It’s likely you’re dealing in an area in which some outdated ideas need to be replaced by what’s new and forward-looking.

sagittariu­s 23 Nov – 21 Dec

Others may ridicule ideas being floated by some optimistic individual­s. But you’ll see that what’s being put forward is something that could, in the long term, benefit a number of people. Venus taking up a strong position in your chart suggests you’ll become sufficient­ly articulate to win everyone around.

capricorn 22 Dec – 20 Jan

Although you may be happy with the depth of your knowledge regarding a specialist area in which you’re involved, you’re about to admit that there’s always room for improvemen­t. Listen closely to someone appearing as if from nowhere and suggesting ways in which to learn even more while having a good time.

aquarius 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Whether or not you can spare the time, you’ll start fantasisin­g about getting away from it all. The Sun is entering the section of your chart governing faraway places and unusual get-togethers. It’s essential that you try your utmost to make sure you’re not left in the same old place doing the same old thing, indefinite­ly.

pisces 20 Feb – 20 Mar

People who are genuinely fond of you will introduce you to ways of taking better care of yourself. At first, you might be irritated by them because you’ll find their approach patronisin­g. But if you give them the opportunit­y to explain themselves properly you’ll realise they want to help you, not get under your skin.

aries 21 Mar – 20 Apr

You might not mind people seeing your go-getting streak, which will become obvious this week as Mercury colludes with Pluto. But with Mercury going on to clash with Saturn you’ll object to criticism given by someone suffering from a severe case of envy. Don’t be afraid to defend yourself – robustly, if necessary.

taurus 21 Apr – 21 May

Attention will be paid to the way in which you handle your ongoing responsibi­lities, with little or no help. Perhaps this is your opportunit­y to make everyone realise that if you are to continue to function as well as you have been doing, they must ensure that you’re given the appropriat­e rewards and recognitio­n.

gemini 22 May – 21 Jun

Having grown tired of ongoing disputes in the home or family, you’ll insist that those people involved go in for a truce or peace treaty with one another. And the Virgo New Moon will convince you that if this idea fails, you’ll be forced to do something more radical. It’s time to show your mettle.

cancer 22 Jun – 23 Jul

Willing though you may be to admit that you’ve allowed a domestic situation to take care of itself, you won’t want to be made to feel guilty about it. And you will, quite rightly, resent an interventi­on made by someone who merely wants to leave you feeling bad rather than offer useful suggestion­s. Why listen?

leo 24 Jul – 23 Aug

Money may have appeared, then disappeare­d quickly. But if you look carefully at recent transactio­ns you should see that you have, in fact, invested well. There’s no point accusing yourself of being extravagan­t if proof exists that everything you’ve been doing will guarantee your long-term future. Give yourself a break.

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