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Meghan may have stolen the headlines, but Kate has enjoyed something of a renaissanc­e behind the scenes. Katie Nicholl reports on the Duchess of Cambridge’s new-found confidence


10 hot stories, including the Duchess of Cambridge’s renaissanc­e, Claire Foy deals with her fame, and party fashion swaps

FROM THE MOMENT Meghan Markle became the newest member of the royal family in May, there has been a renewed interest in the house of Windsor. This was ramped up further when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex went on tour to Australia, where they announced they are expecting a baby in the new year.

So you’d be forgiven for thinking that Meghan has become the nation’s favourite royal. However, according to a poll by Yougov last week, the Duchess of Cambridge is ahead of her, coming fourth (Meghan was sixth), while Prince Harry knocked the Queen off the number one spot, pushing her down to number two. It follows a report this summer that revealed Kate is also still the most influentia­l royal in fashion terms (Meghan came second).

But if there was surprise in some quarters that, seven years after marrying into the royal family, Kate continues to hold public fascinatio­n, royal observers have quietly been celebratin­g a duchess who has, this year, seemed more confident than ever. Indeed, Kate is now said to be seen within the Palace as a ‘safe pair of hands’.

‘Kate was a little slow in her learning, but she’s always been careful to watch,’ said royal biographer Robert Jobson. ‘She had eight or nine years to learn the ropes, and the way she presents herself and the way she operates now means the family are happy to let her get on with it. She has never put a foot wrong.’

Meanwhile, insiders are at pains to refute any suggestion that there is a rivalry between the two duchesses, with Kate believed to have closely guided Meghan through her transition into The Firm, as Camilla Parker-bowles had helped her previously. However, sources believe that Meghan’s arrival has only bolstered Kate’s confidence – largely because the intense

spotlight has now shifted on to Harry’s new wife. ‘I think she probably finds it a bit of a relief,’ said Robert, who wrote the recent biography of Prince Charles to mark his 70th birthday.

By all accounts, that has translated into a duchess willing to be more daring in the public eye. There was, for example, an off-the-shoulder gown for Prince Charles’s birthday party last week, and a striking pale blue Alexander Mcqueen dress at a recent state dinner. As one source told us, ‘Kate almost upstaged the visiting dignitarie­s.’

‘Unusually for Kate, who favours jeans 

and cashmere sweaters over designer labels, the instructio­n has been “go for glamour and don’t hold back”,’ said a source close to Kate.

Her stylist Natasha Archer, who is about to go on maternity leave, has been busily calling in an impressive wardrobe for Kate’s forthcomin­g engagement­s to ensure she looks her best in the coming months. ‘ The duchess is making more of an effort with her outfits,’ added the source. ‘She’s been picking off-the-shoulder designs and more figure-hugging dresses, and she’s also being a bit more bold with her colour choices.’

‘Kate gets the pick of the jewels for big occasions and the Queen is happy to open up her jewellery box,’ said another Palace source. ‘Kate has been clever to befriend Angela Kelly, who is in charge of the Queen’s personal jewellery collection and oversees the loans. Generally, Kate is allowed to borrow whatever she fancies.’

But above all else, Kate is said to be ‘happier than ever’ as a mother of three. She is apparently hugely hands-on at home. ‘She and William take it in turns to do the school run, and schedule their work diaries to factor in home commitment­s,’ said a royal source. ‘ They still just have one nanny, Spanish-born Maria Borrallo, but they have an additional “mother’s help” for busy times. Kate always tries to be home for tea, bathtime and the kids’ bedtime routines. That’s really important to her. The children are her priority – they always have been and they always will be.’

William and Kate insist that their children have normal childhoods. George and Charlotte are both popular at school and enjoy play dates. ‘Kate often chats to the other mums, but actually William does more,’ said a school mother. ‘He goes to the Harbour Club in Chelsea to work out after the school run sometimes, and he catches up with some of the other mums there. I’ve seen him joking with them while indulging in a post-workout cookie.’

Kate has told royal insiders she feels ‘complete’ now that she has Prince George, five, Princess Charlotte, three, and sixmonth-old Prince Louis. So while the duchess has privately told girlfriend­s ‘never say never’, for the time being, the couple are not planning another child.

As for what’s next? ‘She won’t take on more just because Meghan is on the front page of the papers,’ says Jobson. ‘She and William are now the top duo. They know they have nothing to prove.’ Katie Nicholl is the author of ‘ Harry: Life, Loss And Love’.

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