Grazia (UK)


The most exciting gadgets to get your hands (and face) on now…


Beautybio GLOPRO Microneedl­ing Regenerati­on Tool, £199, and BODY Microtip [1], £55

Using needles and LED, this boosts collagen production to target lines.

Silk’n Infinity [2], £229

The only home hair removal gadget that works on all skin and hair tones.

Project E Beauty LED Photon Therapy [3], £99.99

An LED rainbow stimulates skin to combat acne and pigmentati­on patches.

Sensica Sensifirm [4], £299

Radio frequency energy targets cellulite and stubborn pockets of fat.

GHD Glide [5], £125

Re-energise second-day hair with this dry-styling 185°C heated brush.

Tripoller Stop V [6], £299

Like a HIIT workout for your face, this uses radio frequency technology to stimulate collagen production.

Clarisonic Sonic Make-up Foundation Brush Head [7], £32

By popular demand, this attachment delivers airbrushed make-up perfection.

Celluma Lite [8], £764

A travel-size LED device to tackle acne.

FOREO Luna Fofo [9], £79

Prevent skin dehydratio­n with this diagnostic tool and cleansing device.

Dr Dennis Gross Spectralit­e™ Faceware Pro [10], £430

Join the Insta-gang with this LED mask that kills spot-causing bacteria and smooths lines in three-minute sesssions.

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