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at the end of the day… Leighanne Pinnock

27, Little Mix Singer


After a day of working

and going out for drinks in London, I love coming home to the quietness of Surrey. I love being in the country – I feel like I’m breathing in fresh air.

The first thing I do

after I open the door is put on my jim-jams. Sometimes I might go for a little nightie, and then other times I’ll just go for comfy loungewear. Then, me and my boyfriend will plonk ourselves down on the sofa and watch a Netflix series. It’s literally our life. We love to chill out and slump on the sofa.

We’re watching this

new series called When They See Us: it’s about the Central Park Five. It’s really, really sad – it’s horrific. We’re also watching The Handmaid’s Tale at the moment. Game Of Thrones used to be our ritual. I’m an absolute super fan – I’ve never been a super fan of anything in my life – we were literally obsessed with it. Game Of Thrones was our life at one point. I wasn’t that happy with the ending though. They played it a bit safe – I wasn’t on the edge of my seat.

I do find it really hard

to switch off in the evenings. I feel like I’m constantly working: I’ve got my own swimwear brand – In‘a’seashell – and it’s hard running your own business. I really need to give myself a break to be honest. When I’ve done a week of hard work, my brain gets exhausted and I can’t think of anything. So in the evenings, I just need to chill out.

My boyfriend and I love

to cook: we take it in turns but he’s actually better than me. We’ve always got people coming over because we love entertaini­ng. Last night, I made a salmon linguine. I also love to make Caribbean food.

I’m on my phone a lot

in the evenings as I’m addicted to Whatsapp. We’ve got a Little Mix Whatsapp group: there are a lot of memes – Jade’s the Meme Queen. We moan a lot. The chat lets us let rip a little bit, which I think is necessary at times.

If I’m really tired

and I want to relax, then I’ll get in the bath. But I can’t stay in for long – you know when you get light-headed because it’s so hot! Then I’ll be in bed about half 10 or 11. I’m an early bird. Sometimes I even fall asleep on the sofa, midway through a series, which is annoying for my boyfriend. I’m a very good sleeper – I’m really lucky. I sleep through a lot of things.

I’m always on my boyfriend’s

side of the bed – I literally never go over to my side. I’m so clingy – it’s really embarrassi­ng! I find it hard to sleep when I’m home alone. That’s probably the one thing that keeps me up at night.

When I can’t sleep

I try to count sheep – or I start scrolling, which is probably keeping me up more! I don’t really dream that much but I’ve had the same nightmare a couple of times: that my boyfriend has cheated on me. I wake up hating him the next day.

No matter where

I go, whether on holiday, or on tour, I always miss my bed. Because it’s just the dream. It’s like a cloud. Although I do like sleeping on the tour bus – the motion is actually quite soothing. Tour life is the best. It’s our favourite time. But home is home. You’re always going to miss it after a while.

Leigh-anne’s swimwear range In‘a’seashell is available now; inaseashel­

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