Grazia (UK)

Master Grazia’s life skills


Georgia Spray, founder of the online art shop Partnershi­p Editions

Art doesn’t have to be really expensive – you can start off with something smaller or a limitededi­tion print. Preparator­y sketches are works of art in their own right, and often a good place to look for an original piece that doesn’t have to be eye-wateringly costly.

Try to collect from emerging artists who have just come out of art school; it’s a really exciting time when they’re often producing lots of work, but they don’t have the price points of artists with gallery representa­tion. Degree shows are perfect for scouting up-and-coming talent, and you can use Instagram as a tool to do a bit more research. Artists often use it to showcase their work – it’s almost like stepping into their studio without having to leave your home.

There’s a misconcept­ion that art advisors or curators charge to give advice. There are a lot of people out there who are happy to help you start a collection, and there’s absolutely no obligation to buy.

It’s just about having conversati­ons to work out what you like and help you navigate that field.

The way I collect is by buying things that I love and making them work in my home once they’re there – because part of the fun is that you can curate all of your belongings and your home becomes an extension of you and your taste. I think if you’re too conscious about trying to match your art to your colour scheme, it loses its power; the artwork should speak for itself.

Ultimately, it’s about buying something you connect with and actually living with it. You should buy because the piece or the artist’s story resonates with you; that’s the real investment. partnershi­

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