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At the end of the day… Halima Aden



on whizzing up face masks and smoothies, meeting missandei and her mum’s soup Home is Minnesota. I love it, it’s where I’ve been since I was eight. I’m never moving to a fashion capital because I think it’s important to remain loyal to the state that has given me so much, and the community that’s done so much for me.

I love going home and visiting my mom, she makes the best Somali homemade soups. That’s really how I like to take care of myself, especially if I’m under the weather during winter. I’m really good at smoothies – strawberri­es, banana, blueberrie­s, a little peanut butter, almond milk and lots of ice.

Sometimes I’m only home for 10 hours. So it’s just dump, pack, shut, and then go. I’m working with a stylist now so I don’t even have to pack a whole lot.

Travel takes such a toll on you so, when I’m home, I do my homemade face mask. That I can do really well. My mom taught me to do honey and turmeric to brighten the skin, and oatmeal for exfoliatin­g. I really like a good skincare regimen. I use Dermalogic­a products and a rose water or aloe vera spray for on the go.

Working out I’m going to work on! Meditation is great, and spending time with my girlfriend­s, filling them in on my travels, is a good decompress­ant.

I’m usually good at switching off although, with fashion, there is never really a switch off. It’s a creative space. I’m always thinking about work – what happened on set, or ‘I can’t wait to try this new look’ – but it’s fun so it never really feels like you’re working.

The night before a shoot, I always try to do a little bit of homework. I look up the photograph­er, the magazine, and the make-up artist when I get the call sheet. The new Pandora campaign [left] was shot in Copenhagen and was the first time I met all the other muses. I was so nervous to meet Nathalie [Emmanuel] because I’m a huge Game Of Thrones fan, I’m obsessed. I was like ‘be cool’! We’re basically family now, so I think I can fan girl and say, ‘Oh my God, tell me all about Missandei.’

I’ve just binged both seasons of Big Little Lies. Meryl Streep is amazing. I also really liked Euphoria. And a couple of times a year, I revisit Legally Blonde or Mean Girls.

I’m really bad about my phone. When I’m at work, I put it away, it’s all about interactin­g. But when I’m at home, I’m trying to catch up with our group texts, and sometimes there’s like 400 messages from my girls. I am on my phone when I can’t sleep, but that’s probably why I can’t sleep! I always read the news before bed, last night I sent my manager a CNN article at 1.32am.

I am a night owl.

I can stay up all night. I try for seven hours’ sleep, but it depends on work – I’ve done two hours, or even no sleep, and still worked a 14-hour shoot.

I don’t wear pyjamas. If

I can sleep naked

I feel amazing. But never without covers,

I don’t care if it’s like an oven.

I’m discipline­d in the morning. Nobody should ever check social media first thing. But turning on good music is a must for me. Beyoncé, Rihanna, this morning I played Baby It’s You by Jojo. It’s necessary. No music means crawling, painfully, out of bed. But then when music is playing it’s: jump out of bed, espresso shot! Halima is a Pandora Muse;

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