Grazia (UK)



I have been self-isolating after showing symptoms of Covid-19. I was in bed for two days feeling awful, with a fever, cough, diarrhoea, piercing headaches, plus sore eyes, ears and throat. But I’m now emerging out the other end, even without needing help from my GP or 111, so it is not a killer virus for all. I was lucky to have support from my son, friends and neighbours. But the best surprise was the delivery today of my Grazia. You rightly praised frontline staff, but kudos to all the Grazia team for getting my favourite magazine out as usual. Stay safe but not too scared. Gill

Imagine what this lockdown would have been like 50 years ago – no home deliveries through t’internet and no social media. Chin up, everyone. We can do this together and get this ol’ virus gone! Paula

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