Grazia (UK)

Is this the end of the 9-5?



Here’s how to make working flexibly your ‘new normal’...

1. Counterbal­ance employer cynicism with a trial period of flex. Hold the hand of your employer and prove flexible working works by measuring productivi­ty over that period. You can’t argue with facts.

2. In the face of a blanket ‘no’ don’t immediatel­y give up. Form a flexible working group to discuss issues and open the company up to good practice across your industry. We are in a period of transition and everyone has the ability to start a conversati­on around the link between effective flexible working, closing the gender pay gap and recruiting and retaining a truly diverse workforce.

3. Remember flexible working has to be a two-way process. Ultimately it has to be about productivi­ty and focusing on the business benefits.

4. Consider a job share. Contact Further & More for support and, for any company unsure of how to proceed, look to flexible working consultant­s Timewise. Connect with others facing the same barriers.

5. If you need legal support or feel you have been discrimina­ted against, try the Working Families free legal helpline and or flexible working employment firm Osborne & Wise.

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