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Overcome impostor syndrome


Dr Grace Lordan is author of Think Big (£14.99, Penguin)

Do you have the feeling you’re not as good as your colleagues? Do you set very high standards for yourself, then berate yourself when you fall short? If so, you probably suffer from impostor syndrome, a disconnect between how you perceive yourself and how fabulous you actually are.

At various phases in my career, I’ve felt like an impostor, despite having the credential­s and experience to make me a solid bet. Even those who are aware of impostor syndrome fall into its trap. Working virtually has likely exacerbate­d the problem as we miss the reality checks we get when we meet up with people. Virtual interactio­ns make it harder to establish rapport and read situations, leaving it easier to internalis­e false narratives about our performanc­e.

How can we beat it? Take 10 minutes at the end of each day to log your achievemen­ts. You should include any praise you’ve received orally or via email. Next time you feel like an impostor, revisit this praise. The stories we tell ourselves become part of who we are. Take the time to remind yourself of how much value you add to this world.

Also consider reframing who you measure your progress against. What’s the point in looking for someone else to compare yourself to? Instead, compare yourself to how you did yesterday. And enrolling a ‘hype buddy’ to remind you of all your strenghts can help when mojo is low.

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