Grazia (UK)



Microgreen­s provide a bountiful harvest in as little as a week from sowing. Plus, they are considered a superfood as they generally contain a higher density of vitamins than the same weight of mature vegetables, so are a great way to add a nutritious punch to your meals.

You will need:

Containers without drainage holes Coconut coir

Shallow tray

Mister or spray bottle

Plants (see list, right)

1 Coconut coir is usually sold in dehydrated compressed blocks. Place the block in a deep dish or bowl and gradually add water until the coir is hydrated and expanded.

2 Fill your container two-thirds full of expanded coir and gently press it down.

3 Sprinkle your selected seed evenly across the surface of the coir – don’t be shy, get plenty of seed in there. If you are growing a large seed species, such as peas, squash or sunflowers, cover with an additional thin layer of coir, just enough to cover the seeds.

4 Place your microgreen­s in a warm, light place. Close to a window is the perfect position. I grow my greens in self-adhesive shelves stuck on to the window; I get them from windowgard­

5 Give your containers a misting every day to keep the moisture levels constant and before long that rich brown coir will turn into a lush forest of tasty, vitamin-packed plant babies.

6 Harvest your greens when they are around 5cm tall, or 10cm tall for pea, sunflower or squash shoots. Use a pair of scissors to snip the greens at about 1cm above the roots. Add them directly to cooking and dishes for instant gratificat­ion. Once you have snipped all your greens you will need to sow a new crop of seeds, except for pea seeds, which can be harvested twice before re-sowing.

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