Grazia (UK)

‘there are many ways to be successful’


1 Get into the habit of flossing.

I turn 30 this year and I’ve only recently started flossing, which is really bad. I’m trying to be more grown up and look after my teeth. I suppose the older you get, the more you start thinking about these things. In my early twenties I didn’t worry about my teeth at all, but I’m hear to tell you, start flossing!

2 Stay in your lane.

Try not to get distracted by how other people live their life. Especially with Instagram, where it’s very easy to see a glamorised version that isn’t reality. It’s not helpful to constantly compare what you’re doing with what other people are up to.

3 There are many ways to be successful.

For example, people who aren’t in the acting industry often think success is being famous – it’s not that simple. You can be doing great work but not have fame. That is still success. Don’t let other people decide what ‘success’ means to you in your career.

4 Stop straighten­ing your hair every day.

I have curly hair and, when I was young, everyone was straighten­ing their hair. I got stuck in the habit and my hair was very damaged. I’d be so stressed about it: if it rained I wouldn’t want to go out and get my hair wet. Your hair shouldn’t dictate your day.

5 If you’re feeling socially anxious, you’re probably not the only one.

I was very shy when I was younger and in social settings I would feel very anxious. I’ve done lots of therapy on social anxiety. The key thing is to remember lots of people feel the same way. It’s easy to assume that everyone has their shit together. Just because someone looks confident that doesn’t mean they are a confident person; most people are worried and questionin­g themselves.

6 It’s OK to say no to things you don’t want to do.

Sometimes you worry about what will happen – will you upset someone? Usually, it’s not that bad. I had a job where they were trying to dress me in something I wasn’t comfortabl­e wearing. I said, ‘No, we’re not going to do it.’ It was scary, and while the producer might have been annoyed with me, he just said, ‘All right, fine – let’s find something that you want to wear.’ And that was it.


To cut out carbs. Because I love carbs. In acting, some people do crazy diets because they want to stay in shape. That’s fine, do what you want. I was doing a job that I got a trainer for; I had to cut out so many different types of food and I was miserable. I think you can be healthy and still have chocolate and bread.

Georgina stars in ‘Suspicion’, streaming on Apple TV+ now

 ?? ?? Every week on the Grazia Life Advice podcast, women worth listening to pass on their best tips on how to navigate modern life. Here, actor Georgina Campbell shares hers…
Every week on the Grazia Life Advice podcast, women worth listening to pass on their best tips on how to navigate modern life. Here, actor Georgina Campbell shares hers…
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