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Use social media to land your dream job


Bernard Marr is author of Future Skills: The 20 Skills And Competenci­es Everyone Needs To Succeed In A Digital World

It’s become second nature to share our lives online. But in a 2020 Harris Poll survey, 70% of employers said that every company should screen candidates’ social media profiles during the hiring process. So taking control of your online reputation is more important than ever.

So how can you use social media in a way that actually helps you get the job you want? Something that I’ve found impactful – and easy! – is sharing news and insights from my industry. This helped me build my profile while staying abreast of what’s happening in my field. Having a niche subject that you can establish yourself in as an expert will also cement your reputation as a knowledgea­ble candidate. This could be an accountant sharing insights on business finance and leadership, or a digital marketeer posting about campaigns that inspire them.

Finding the balance between profession­al and personal content can be tricky. It’s easy to mistake formality for profession­alism, but it’s important to let your personalit­y shine through in your posts. Write as you would normally speak and talk about things that really matter to you. This way, you’ll be consistent with your posting and your passion will attract genuine connection­s or followers.

Finally, reach out to people online whose jobs and career journeys you admire. Ask questions and take the time to connect with your network. Having these contacts can attract exciting new opportunit­ies.

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