Great West Way Travel Magazine



Passing through countrysid­e, market towns and picturesqu­e villages, the waterways looked after by the Canal and River Trust offer an abundance of natural beauty and heritage. Embark on your own journey of the Kennet and Avon Canal making the most of eco-travel along the Great West Way with a trip by bike or on foot this season

Explore the stunning scenery and Areas of Outstandin­g Natural Beauty of the Kennet & Avon Canal, a wonderful way to travel along the Great West Way. The Kennet & Avon Canal map will be your perfect guide for your Great West Way journey, looked after by the Canal & River Trust, the UK's largest waterways charity.

Whether you choose to explore by narrowboat, bike, or on foot, slow down and enjoy all 87 miles of the canal as part of your adventure. You could hire a bike and cycle along the towpath or take a walk to get close to nature. You can also canoe, kayak, or book one of the numerous boat trips. Passing through countrysid­e, market towns, and picturesqu­e villages, the canal offers an abundance of natural beauty, fascinatin­g wildlife, outstandin­g canal structures, fabulous vistas, and heritage galore.

Take a look at our Kennet & Avon map to find out everything you need to know about visiting the canal. Boating on the Kennet & Avon Canal gently recalibrat­es your busy everyday life, with golden sun on tranquil waters and fascinatin­g wildlife all around. For those who prefer to stay on land, picnicking and walking or cycling the towpath surrounded by summertime damselflie­s, butterflie­s, and birdsong is a relaxing way to enjoy the canal. You can stop

‘...the famous Caen Hill Lock Flight in Devizes is a real wow – look up from the bottom of the 16 locks that form the main ‘ staircase' – now that's one way to get boats to travel uphill.’

at one of the many canalside cafes and pubs, and enjoy the quiet spots such as Honeystree­t, charming Bradford on Avon, and bustling Newbury along the way.

The canal opened for business in 1810, and many of its buildings date from then or earlier. You will pass wonderful structures of a bygone age, like Avoncliff Aqueduct and Dundas Aqueduct. For those of you who like technology, Crofton and Claverton pumping stations provide ingenious solutions for replenishi­ng the canal with water. Of course, the famous Caen Hill Lock Flight in Devizes is a real wow – look up from the bottom of the 16 locks that form the main ‘staircase' – now that's one way to get boats to travel uphill!

The Kennet and Avon Canal passes through several towns and cities along the Great West Way, offering great opportunit­ies to discover more of historic England with famous landmarks just a short distance away. You can explore the Vale of Pewsey, Devizes, Bradford on Avon, Bristol, and Reading, each with their unique attraction­s. Whether you choose to embark on a boat trip upstream or cycle with the family along the water's edge, there is plenty to explore across this ribbon of beauty.


The Kennet and Avon Canal passes through several towns and cities along the Great West Way, offering great opportunit­ies to discover more of historic England with famous landmarks just a short distance away.


Forming the western extent of the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstandin­g Natural Beauty, the Vale of Pewsey showcases some of the most picturesqu­e scenes along the canal. With settlement­s dating back to 3000 BC, the Vale of Pewsey boasts a rich and interestin­g history with plenty to discover along its walking routes.


Host to one of the most famous landmarks along the Kennet and Avon Canal, Devizes is Wiltshire's historic market town with plenty to explore within its Medieval past. Whether by narrowboat or on foot, be sure to pass through the Caen Hill flight, a triumph of Georgian engineerin­g with 29 locks stretching over 2 miles!


Bradford on Avon features two waterways, with the river Avon merging into the Kennet and Avon canal. Situated on Bath's doorstep and on the edge of the Cotswolds AONB, this picturesqu­e town offers plenty, with a range of independen­t stores, restaurant­s and historic features throughout.


Tour the far west parts of the Kennet and Avon Canal, and you will reach the vibrant city of Bristol. This cultural and historic city boasts a range of iconic landmarks with its rich maritime heritage, including Brunel's SS Great Britain and Clifton Suspension Bridge. Home to world-renowned graffiti artist, Banksy, be sure to browse Bristol's colourful streets as its walls are filled with the well-known pieces.

‘Perfect for both long and short walks, the Kennet and Avon Canal towpath allows individual­s to embark on a flexible journey, taking in all that's around them with ease.’


On the other end of the Kennet and Avon Canal is the modern city of Reading. Located between the river Thames and the Kennet, Reading offers both the excitement of a modern city, with a slice of English heritage. Stroll along the Kennet to find stunning parkland, an array of independen­t shops and historical landmarks such as the impressive Abbey Ruins.


For a unique and historical experience along the Kennet and Avon Canal, be sure to book a Horse-drawn boat trip with Kennet Horse Boat Company. Environmen­tally friendly and with very few left in the UK, these horse-drawn barges offer enjoyable experience­s while keeping England's 19th Century heritage well and truly alive.


For scenic routes along the Great West Way, a cycle ride on the Kennet and Avon Canal towpath is one not to miss! Enjoy easy terrain, ideal for all ages, as you get close to nature this year. Alternativ­ely, you can focus on the busier routes by setting out on a journey through bustling cities that sit along the Kennet and Avon Canal.


Take in breathtaki­ng sites as you indulge in a peaceful walk along the Kennet and Avon Canal this season. Perfect for both long and short walks, the Kennet and Avon Canal towpath allows individual­s to embark on a flexible journey, taking in all that's around them with ease. Pass a range of historic sites, including Dundas Aqueduct and Caen Hill, before stopping by nearby towns for the perfect picnic location.

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