Greenock Telegraph

Tele teaser crossword...



7. Anne ___, Henry VIII’s second wife (6) 8. Sculpting tool (6) 9. Bloomer, perhaps (4) 10. Police patrol vehicle (5,3) 11. Child’s chair (7,4) 14. Popular hit song from the past (6,5) 18. Readers’ group (4,4) 19. Shapeless mass (4) 20. One who pays rent (6) 21. Beds with no headboard (6)


1. Wise biblical king (7) 2. Coral shipping hazard (4) 3. Variety of jumpsuit (6) 4. Crowds of people (6) 5. Unexpected money (8) 6. Abstainer from all animal products (5) 12. Racing vehicle (5,3) 13. Old metal-extraction pit (3,4) 15. Reduce the strength of (6) 16. Nonentity (6) 17. A, e, i, o, or u (5) 19. You Only ___ Twice, Bond movie (4)

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