Greenock Telegraph

‘Tax system needs radically reformed’


THE Inverclyde Branch of the Scottish Socialist Party, alongside older people and welfare entitlemen­t claimants, is relieved that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has conceded that state pensions and welfare entitlemen­ts must rise broadly in line with the inflationa­ry pressures the Tories have created in the UK economy, although he has missed the mark by some way.

But we believe he must do much more.

Although inflation currently stands at over 11 per cent across the economy generally, for those who have the most precarious existence the reality is that they must spend a disproport­ionate slice of their incomes on food and power.

With food price inflation at 16 per cent and with the price of energy appearing to have no meaningful limit for the poorest among us, the choice they face is no longer between heating and eating but more between starving and freezing or both.

They were in a bad position before and it is being made worse by design.

One off cash hand-outs and temporary quick fixes by government are only delaying the inevitable and many vulnerable and precarious people will become seriously ill or die of merciless public policy this winter, and time is running out to get some real help in place for challenged individual­s and families.

It is right that those with the broadest shoulders should bear the greatest burden but tax proposals do not come anywhere near to creating an equality of fear, pain or sacrifice.

The whole tax system requires radical reform.

The poorest in society played no part in creating the current crisis and they should not be made the victims of it.

A society is judged on how it treats its most vulnerable and we, if we are to be judged humane and civilised, should not be found wanting.

People need to do more than merely survive. They deserve some dignity.

CHRISTOPHE­R SCOTT, Scottish Socialist Party Inverclyde Branch Organiser

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