Greenock Telegraph

‘Labour are playing games’

- A FLETCHER Address supplied

I WRITE in response to a letter from K.Black published on March 25 , entitled ‘Protest was about local democracy’, in which the author clumsily tries to rewrite history and backpedal (something Labour are often prone to do once they are embarrasse­d or have to u-turn).

Specifical­ly regarding a ‘protest’ organised by Labour councillor Francesca Brennan earlier this year outside Stuart McMillan MSP’s office in Greenock.

This protest was around funding from the Scottish Government, in fact if you look closely at the placards that were on display and being held up by Labour councillor­s at the protest, they were clearly marked as such.

One says ‘more funding for local government’. There is not one sign or slogan in the picture about ‘local democracy’.

The truth is Labour play games, pull political stunts and try to manipulate the truth and situations for their own benefit. It is incredibly sinister. The recent council tax debacle was a perfect example of this, where Cllr McCabe’s plan against the Scottish Government was exposed and the public outcry was so huge that he had to immediatel­y u-turn and accept the freeze, and the very money that he and Labour voted against taking, even after protesting to get it! You could not make this up!

I also note that K.Black’s derisive comment around the baby boxes, and free prescripti­ons, two things amongst many that the SNP have delivered for the people of Scotland, when Labour simply take. Never forget the selling off of gold reserves by Gordon Brown, the raiding of pensions, or the illegal war in Iraq to name a few of labour’s accomplish­ments when in power.

And what of Inverclyde? One of the most deprived areas in the UK, one of the highest child poverty and drugs deaths rates, and the lowest life expectancy in Scotland. When most areas in Scotland improve, Inverclyde deteriorat­es further, with hundreds of jobs leaving our area weekly. What has been the one constant in the last two decades here? A Labour-run council. Labour simply want power for power’s sake, when they have it they either don’t know what to do with it or do things that are to the detriment of the people.

Watch them closely, more games at the public’s expense will no doubt come in the lead up to the UK general election. It is just good that they’re now being seen for what they truly are.

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