Greenock Telegraph

The doorway that leads to another way of life


MANY of you will be familiar with a series of children’s books by the celebrated author C.S Lewis.

If you haven’t read any of them, I recommend you do; the first of these is called, ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’.

The book follows the adventures of four siblings Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie who stumble into the magical land of Narnia through a wardrobe in the house of an old professor.

In Narnia, they discover a world frozen in eternal winter by the evil White Witch, who tyrannical­ly rules over it.

As the children explore Narnia, they encounter talking animals, mythical creatures and eventually meet Aslan, the noble lion who represents good and righteousn­ess.

Together with Aslan, the siblings embark on a quest to defeat the White Witch and restore peace and harmony to Narnia.

The book is a timeless tale of adventure and morality.

This past week, in amongst everything else, the book and the story of the children entering into Narnia came back into mind.

It is as if as Christians we are led into a whole new world and see and realise the darkness the world is in, with an evil one, the devil, seeking to rule it. He is always on the prowl looking for people young and old he can deceive and lead astray from what is right and what is good. And in the absence of listening to the Holy Spirit who leads us towards God, it is perhaps no wonder the world is in such a confused state, with so much mental health difficulti­es.

Our job as Christians, I believe, and like the children in Narnia, is to take on our White Witch, the devil, with all of God’s armour which is at our disposal.

In the Bible we read that ‘we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principali­ties, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places’. And this takes strength, and determinat­ion, commitment and prayer and being in close touch with God to achieve it.

As a Christian, that’s your calling and mine. To bring down towers of wickedness and help your neighbours, friends and colleagues find the love of God pouring into their hearts and making everything new and possible for them.

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