Greenock Telegraph

Brave dad tells of daring fire resc and Morton star’s tribute to fans


THIS week’s walk down memory lane takes us back 12 years when a dad spoke about his daring rescue attempt during an early morning Greenock tenement blaze.

Kevin Nixon was beaten back by flames and dense smoke as he desperatel­y tried to reach a grandmothe­r who was trapped in her top-floor bedroom, and was forced to jump out to escape.

The 56-year-old gran was taken to hospital with serious injuries after fire ripped through the block of flats at Berwick Road in Larkfield.

Incredibly, it was the THIRD time in less than four years that Kevin had been involved in getting people out of fires in the same block.

He told the Tele: “The adrenalin kicks in when something like that happens.

“You just do what you can to help without thinking about the dangers.”

Meanwhile, a super slimmer had swapped her size 22 wardrobe for a trim size 10 following a year of determined weight loss.

Carrie O’Brien said she had a ‘new lease of life’ after shedding five stones to leave her with the perfect figure she’d always craved.

The profession­al dog-groomer, who is only 4ft 11in tall, said she had battled with her weight since she was a teenager.

But she had started to hit the gym to work out four times a week to keep the pounds off and had lost an amazing ten inches from her bust, hips and tummy.

Elsewhere, a fun sponsored walk had helped swell the coffers of a Greenock children’s centre.

The parents’ forum of Enchanted Forest Nursery recently organised a sponsored walk to help raise funds, with 36 children and 50 parents all turning out.

With trainers tied and water bottles in hand, the group walked from Greenock Esplanade to Battery Park, enjoying fantastic weather and company along the way.

On arrival at their destinatio­n, the children were presented with medals and certificat­es for completing the challenge.

They also enjoyed some fresh fruit, juice and crisps as they relaxed in the splendid sunshine.

In other news, King’s Oak Primary kids were in a class of their own when it came to looking after their school surroundin­gs.

Youngsters at the Greenock east end school took on the spirit of the season as they sprang into action during a determined tidy-up of the grounds.

Not only did they clean the place up, they also showed they know how to reduce, re-use and recycle, by putting things left behind by others to good use.

They made their own environmen­tally friendly vegetable garden out of pallets, created fantastic flower beds using guttering, took old milk cartons and transforme­d them into wonderful window boxes, as well as unveiling a mosaic using things they had salvaged.

In sport, Morton favourite Fouad

Bachirou had admitted that footballin­g future lay away Morton. The popular Frenc had signed for the Cappielo July 2010 after a trial follow release by Ligue 1 giants Pa Germain.

And after two impressive in which he made 62 appear and scored one goal, the out contract midfielder believe proved he can play at a high

Bachirou, nicknamed Fre manager Allan Moore, told Telegraph he felt it was tim move after the final game o season a 3-1 loss to Raith R which was themed as a Fre in his honour.

And Bachirou made a spe point of thanking the fans f making both the afternoon memorable for him and the had taken to him in his tim club.

With his voice cracking, t moved midfielder added: “It very, very emotional for me

“I can never say enough t yous for this.”

Despite saying goodbye to Bachirou u-turned and re-s the club at the end of the su

He continued to play for t for another two years befor to Östersunds FK in August

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