Grimsby Telegraph

Stick to the lockdown rules and we can all come out of this safely


- By PAIGE FRESHWATER @PaigeFresh­water

A NORTH East Lincolnshi­re public health official insists people must keep following strict coronaviru­s rules so the borough can emerge from lockdown safely.

The Director of Public Health, Stephen Pintus, says that while he recognises that people are feeling fed up with restrictio­ns imposed on their lives, it is vital that everyone still sticks to the rules.

He says if people ignore the restrictio­ns in place, the virus will spread.

He said: “It is absolutely vital that the public stick to the rules so that we can come out of this lockdown in the best shape.

“If people ignore the rules and carry on going about their business, the virus will spread and it will do terrible damage.

“I know that we are all quite fed up of this virus and all the rules and restrictio­ns that come with it, but to beat it we must follow the rules for a little longer.

“People of all ages are becoming seriously ill from this virus, and that means more hospital beds taken up with Covid patients, and fewer medical staff and beds or people injured or unwell with other conditions.”

He said people must continue to keep two metres apart from others, wash their hands regularly and to wear a face mask in shops to help prevent this virus from spreading.

He said: “I’m urging local residents to stick to the current lockdown restrictio­ns and follow those three golden rules if you do have to go out.

“We know that as soon as we stop following those rules, the case numbers will shoot up, and we really can’t afford that.

“And if you start to feel unwell with symptoms of Covid-19 – a new continuous cough, a high temperatur­e and a loss of sense of taste or smell – you must self-isolate immediatel­y test.”

To find out more about the rules of the new national lockdown, visit

If you have the symptoms of coronaviru­s, self-isolate immediatel­y and call 119 or visit NHS.UK to book a test.




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