Grimsby Telegraph


Congress putting Trump on trial is the only way to end these dark days for American democracy and to stop dangerous Donald running again


OVER the past eight years reporting events in the US, I’ve lost count how many times I’ve tasted tear gas, dodged rubber bullets or been in the way of bricks and bottles being thrown.

At one point I even had the red laser dot of a police marksmen’s gun centred on my chest. Throughout all of America’s civil unrest, I’ve been on the frontline on both sides of the divide, whether behind police lines, or with the warring protestors. Last week, I stood among a crowd at the Capitol building that dwarfed the previous protests I’ve seen and which was allowed to run amok with impunity.

Trump’s MAGA mob took it upon themselves to launch what became a deadly riot, leaving five people dead, including one police officer. Their marauding into the Capitol building, in an attempt to overturn the will of their fellow countrymen who voted Joe Biden into the White House, was criminal in its intent. But it was no coincidenc­e that the rabid mob decided to storm democracy, just moments after they had been fuelled by their cult-like leader who had told them they must “fight”.

I looked on as a dethroned and deranged Donald Trump stood before me displaying more madness than King George himself.

As his loyal, maskless subjects cheered on his every word, America’s pitiful President gave his swan song – raising his final glass in the last chance saloon.

“I won, I won,” he cried, while repeating his baseless and false claims that November’s election had been “stolen” from him. “We will never give up. We will never concede,” Trump told his supporters. He then vowed to take on Republican­s he views treasonous after they rejected his effort to stay in office more than two months after losing the presidenti­al election. His calls were so great they led to chants of “Hang Mike Pence,” Trump’s loyal vice president who he now blames for being unable to stop Biden’s election win being certified.

After the President spoke, a few hundred yards away, Congress’s joint session was just beginning to come under siege. The police’s response was pathetic. At one point officers appeared to open the gates to allow the mob in.

What followed will shame America forevermor­e.

The sight of elected politician­s cowering under tables, law enforcemen­t having to draw their guns and America’s leaders scurrying for shelter was shameful. Warranted or not, the world looks to the States to take the lead in many areas, but Trump’s actions have made us all view America in a different light.

Like any democracy, whichever way we all vote, what is essential is that elections remain free and fair and that the rule of law is upheld. Trump has shown complete disregard for all of these precepts.

Last week’s certificat­ion of Biden’s win should have been the turning point in Trump’s election lies. Instead, he incited an insurrecti­on, leaving Biden’s inaugurati­on next Wednesday as the date America should definitive­ly move on.

But don’t count on it.

Now, it seems possible that the Senate impeachmen­t trial could be beginning then after the House of Representa­tives secured enough votes to charge him last night with inciting an insurrecti­on following the Capitol riots.

This keeps Trump’s dangerous presence centre stage even as the President-elect becomes the new US leader.

This could be bad for Biden, bad for America and bad for the rest of

the world.

But what could be even worse is Trump running for the White House in four years’ time.

Above all else, the Senate should ensure he never darkens the White House’s doors again and stop him from running in 2024.

 ??  ?? US President Donald Trump speaking to his supporters from The Ellipse near the White House on January 6 before chaos erupted at the Capitol Building
US President Donald Trump speaking to his supporters from The Ellipse near the White House on January 6 before chaos erupted at the Capitol Building
 ??  ?? Vice President Mike Pence after the final certificat­ion of Electoral College votes cast in the presidenti­al election
Vice President Mike Pence after the final certificat­ion of Electoral College votes cast in the presidenti­al election
 ??  ?? Pro-Trump protesters gather in front of the US Capitol, above, and the mob storming the building, below
Pro-Trump protesters gather in front of the US Capitol, above, and the mob storming the building, below
 ??  ?? A protester screams “Freedom” inside the Senate chamber after the U.S. Capitol was breached
A protester screams “Freedom” inside the Senate chamber after the U.S. Capitol was breached
 ??  ??

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