Grimsby Telegraph



ARIES March 21–April 20

Someone seems to think they can convert you to their point of view. You admire them having firm conviction­s but you don’t appreciate them pressing their point at every chance they get. If they can’t change the subject, you will be walking away. No one can force their opinions onto you.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

You’ve always been careful with money but because you are easily distracted today you might agree to something you will regret. Make sure a propositio­n is above board and that ideas have been tried and tested. If a project is in its trial stage, wait for results then decide what to do next.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

It feels as if your life has changed dramatical­ly. Things have happened that have turned your world upside down. You might find yourself out of work or there has been a family breakdown. Getting through this won’t be easy but by taking a step at a time, somehow you will find a way through.

CANCER June 22-July 23

It is possible to transform your life if this is what you really want to do. It isn’t too late to change careers, take up a new hobby or start a fitness regimen. All you have to do is find the willpower. Decide on your goal and make a list of steps that can help you achieve your aims.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

It isn’t easy for you to do without luxuries for too long. You’re dreaming about making enough money to pamper yourself in some special way. This may be a challenge given your current salary but you aren’t against considerin­g a second job or even a change of career.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

A friend fails to deliver on a promise. You expected more from someone who up until now you have always admired and respected. It is no bad thing that this person has have failed to live up to your expectatio­ns, because you won’t be in a hurry to trust them in the future.

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

It will be tempting to take up an offer or opportunit­y but consider the risk first. Before you jump in, as you are prone to do, you must pause and think about the long-term consequenc­es. Do the positives outweigh the negatives or vice-versa? Will it really be worth it?

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov22

A housemate will be grateful for the appreciati­ve way you listen to their ideas. They know you are taking it all very seriously while others dismiss them for being idealistic. Your practical suggestion­s will go a long way towards helping to achieve harmony in the home.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

Joining forces with a friend, neighbour or workmate will get a job you have to do completed more quickly. If you’re getting annoyed with having to try to figure out how something works, ask for help from someone who already knows. Two heads are better than one.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

Extra responsibi­lities you are taking on will mean spending less time with someone special. They will understand why this is important to you and you will be grateful for their willingnes­s to make sacrifices on your behalf. They believe in you and knowing this helps spur you on.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

The one-upmanship games of a workmate will get under your skin. You can’t shrug off some irritation­s with a smile when someone is deliberate­ly distorting the truth. Phone calls are frustratin­g when you can’t seem to get a word in. Technical problems will delay online meetings.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

Exercise can provide a release for the nervous energy you have at the moment. You’re restless and this makes it hard to show an interest in your usual routines. You don’t really want to have to focus on any one task or area. You would prefer to enjoy a variety of experience­s.

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