Grimsby Telegraph



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to hear individual

4. Crockery set the waiter

gives you? (7)

8. Type inclined to be

emphatic? (6)

9. Not straight (7)

10. It may comfort a baby or

disconcert (6)

11. Not a bit of it! (6)

12. A watercolou­r? (3,5)

18. More than satisfied at

work (8)

20. Stay over with me in wet

weather (6)

21. Rather earlier (6)

22. Strange men fail to get

excited (7)

23. Against poetry, say (6)

24. Housing row? (7)

1. Journalist? (7)

2. Not wholly biased (7)

3. Stern guide? (6)

5. Testimony that even dice

are thrown (8)

6. Springs, often

undergroun­d (6)

7. Shows approval for a

drinking toast (6)

13. In distributi­on of income

the company is thrifty (8)

14. Dress for dinner,

perhaps (7)

15. Speech and attire of

modern times (7)

16. Causing a scene at

spirituali­st’s meeting (6)

17. Sea salt? (6)

19. Hordes going over a

Greek island (6)

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