Grimsby Telegraph

Well-deserved praise for our midwife heroes

Amid tributes paid to all the midwives of the Humber region marking Internatio­nal Day of the Midwife on Sunday, you had your say on our Facebook page.

- By Phil Frejiszyn Email pictures to pictures@grimsbytel­ Geoffrey Brooking.

Claire Olley: The whole poppy team was absolutely amazing and the support and empathy they gave us throughout pregnancy and labour was brilliant! Nothing was too much. Amy really is a lovely lady, and so friendly, which really helped and puts you at ease.

Emily Kelsey: Amy was our midwife and she was fab the whole way through. Credit where credit is due.

Melanie Turner: Well done to all the midwives that go above and beyond for us!! You’re true heroes. Samantha Shaw: Amy was amazing throughout my whole pregnancy! Super friendly and really made me feel at ease, absolute superstar. Thank you, Amy.

Amy was amazing during my grandson’s

Lynne Paxton Caldecott:

birth in March. It ended up being really traumatic and she just kept us all calm! She is really comical too and sometimes you need humour in stressful times. We’ll be forever grateful.

Victoria Fox: Amy was the best midwife who looked after me and my babies.

Louise Devaney: I’m so proud that I get to call Amy Josephine my sister. Lovely to read these amazing comments xx

Emma Pye: Amy is just incredible,

I was lucky enough to have her throughout both of my pregnancie­s. Tommo Dee: Well done Amy, you put everyone before yourself to get where you are.

Porsha Charlton: Had Amy the whole way through my pregnancy, loveliest midwife ever!! So caring, really listened and helped when needed.

Kirstie Blackburn: What a lovely read, Amy Josephine. A lovely person who’s making a big difference.

Government hanging on at whatever cost

WHAT an joke the Government’s gimmick of a Rwanda plan has become

A plan designed as a deterrent for people smuggling themselves into Britain is begun by somebody taking cash and voluntaril­y jumping on a commercial flight paid for by the state and getting long-term board and lodgings thrown in on top.

Coming just hours before crucial local government and mayoral elections, you couldn’t make it up. What kind of a deterrent is this going to be?

It is a typical example of a government in its final days who will do anything to hang on to power at whatever the cost to British taxpayers.

Yet, thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel thanks to a Labour government in waiting and a Prime Minister in waiting in Sir Keir Starmer, who will take no nonsense from people-smuggling dinosaurs as was proven by his previous legal experience.

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 ?? ?? Midwives Louise Cooper, left, and Amy Farrow
Midwives Louise Cooper, left, and Amy Farrow

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