Halifax Courier

Teen burglars avoid jail after breaking into Elland home

- By Court Reporter

Two teenage burglars who stole thousands of pounds worth of property from an Elland house have been given suspended sentences by a judge. Wesley Goldthorpe, 19, and Pierce Stott, also 19, smashed their way into the house on Victoria Road while the occupants were away for the weekend and stole various items including sentimenta­l jewellery and a watch.

The pair were arrested by police after a neighbour was alerted to the late night burglary by the sound of a window being broken.

Bradford Crown Court heard that the teenagers had already taken some stolen property back to the flat they shared nearby, but they were arrested by officers in the street when they were again seen in the area of the burgled house.

Prosecutor Paul Nicholson said it appeared that the vast majority of the stolen jewellery had been recovered, but the watch was still missing.

Following their arrest the teenagers were linked to the break-in by forensic inquiries which provided a very good match to the footwear seized from them.

Stott, of Brooksbank Gar- dens, Elland, pleaded guilty to the burglary charge at a hearing before the magistrate­s’ court just a few weeks after the break-in last November.

Goldthorpe, now of Walworth Avenue, Harrogate, admitted being involved in the burglary when his case was listed at the crown court.

Judge Mark Savill heard that both teenagers had been subject to night-time tagging since their arrest and their barristers said both of them had taken steps to change their attitudes since the burglary.

Judge Savill warned both teenagers that they were at a “watershed” in their lives and he urged them to take advantage of the opportunit­y he was giving them.

Goldthorpe, who is in work, had his nine-month sentence of detention suspended for a year, but he must do 200 hours unpaid work for the community and pay £1,400 costs.

He will also be subject to a community order including supervisio­n for the next 12 months.

Stott, who is currently unemployed, had his six-month detention sentence suspended for a year and he will also be subject a 12-month community order.

Stott also has to do 200 hours unpaid work

 ??  ?? Wesley Goldthorpe and Pierce Stott, both 19, appeared at Bradford Crown Court after stealing thousands of pounds worth of property fron a house in Elland.
Wesley Goldthorpe and Pierce Stott, both 19, appeared at Bradford Crown Court after stealing thousands of pounds worth of property fron a house in Elland.

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