Halifax Courier

A Ukrainian Easter celebratio­n


Ukrainians and their friends came together to celebrate Easter at the Holy Protection Catholic Church in Queens Road, Halifax. Ukrainians follow the Julian calendar which meant that Easter fell a week after the Latin Easter. Halifax’s community are Ukrainian Orthodox Catholic and follow Orthodox Christian rites. Ukrainians celebrate Easter with an Easter Basket. The baskets contain sweet bread, Paska, baked only at Easter Time, various meats and hams, cheese and horseradis­h. The baskets also contain eggs and Pysanky. Pysanky are Easter eggs, richly decorated by hand, a Ukrainian tradition that dates back thousands of years. According to custom, as long as Pysanky are painted in the world, good will always triumph. Traditiona­lly, Pysanky were given as gifts, but today British Ukrainian’s follow the British custom of giving chocolate Easter eggs. All the Easter Baskets are then blessed during the service. On Easter Day itself families enjoy their Easter Breakfast, which marks the end of the 40 day period of lent and fasting. Mr Kurylak, Chair of Parish Committee, explained how the tradition was carried on. He said: “Ours is an age old Christian tradition practiced in Ukraine and brought here by our parents and grandparen­ts. “As Ukraine was occupied by Soviet Russia, these traditions were often banned and the Ukrainian Catholic Church was persecuted. “Our parents and grandparen­ts found religious freedom and tolerance in this country and passed down their traditions. “Those of us who are still aware of our heritage and roots carry on marking Easter in the same way that Ukrainians do in Ukraine.” The Easter Baskets were blessed by Reverend Riy and a Seminarian from Drobhych, Western Ukraine, who will be ordained as a priest next year. Reverend Riy also blessed the congregati­on and read his Easter Blessing in Ukrainian and English. Prayers were said for peace in Ukraine and the world. The church bells were rung and the traditiona­l hymn “Christ is Risen,” was sung. Mr Kurylak commented: “Easter is a time of joy and Easter Day marks the end of a period of fasting and charitable giving. “Money saved from fasting is donated to charities or for the upkeep of the church. “During this time we spend time with family and friends. “The sick and the departed are also remembered. “Even though Ukraine again finds itself in a conflict with Russia, we all hope this will be resolved peacefully.”

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