Halifax Courier

Your Say Disabled charge is latest money grab!


The announceme­nt by the administra­tors of Calderdale NHS Trust (Courier, April 24) that “The disabled must pay to park at the Royal” is only the latest of such moneygrabb­ing edicts to come from that source. It has long been their practice to charge users of hospital car parks according to the length of visits, be they to bring the sick in for assessment and treatment, relatives and friends to see in-patients or individual­s keeping appointmen­ts. These charges inevitably deter some less well-off relatives and friends from making the visits to patients which are known to hasten their recovery and discharge home, thus avoiding ‘bed blocking’ and reducing treatment costs. Such considerat­ions should surely outweigh any perceived need for arbitrary hospital parking charges. visited Halifax and Calder Valley. The health profession­als who comprise the local Clinical Commission­ing Group have not proposed its closure. Conservati­ves trust their judgement and their integrity. Why does Labour, on the other hand, question our local doctors’ integrity by constantly alleging that they want to close the Calderdale A and E when they have suggested no such thing? Of course, how much of our NHS would survive the economic recklessne­ss of a Labour government in hock to the SNP is another matter. years ago has provoked the rise of “Isil”; and deterrent theory is unconvinci­ng since the fallout from any use of the diabolical weapon, hundreds of times more destructiv­e than the Hiroshima A- bomb, would entail continenta­l suicide. As Bishop Walker of Ely said thirty years ago, humanity’s final blasphemy would be to blow the world up. Geoffrey Fielden is wrong to say that Callaghan was brought down by leftwing rebellion. He lost via by-election defeats and disaffecti­on of small parties. The WMD issue is not a matter of right and left! A group of generals led by the recently-retired Chief of Staff Lord Danant has joined with CND in saying that the Trident issue is too serious for the heat of an election. As for links with SNP, Labour will welcome support from all other Parties when in government, be it majority or minority. But tactical Labour voting is vital here for the sake of the common people of all Britain.

 ??  ?? LONG WAIT: Queues outside the Royal Mail sorting office in Halifax. Photo by Scott Nicholls
LONG WAIT: Queues outside the Royal Mail sorting office in Halifax. Photo by Scott Nicholls

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