Halifax Courier

Help make my Disney dream come true

- BY FELICITY MACNAMARA felicity.macnamara@jpress.co.uk @HXCourierF­M

A doting Halifax family are on a fundraisin­g mission to take their little girl, who is battling a brain tumour, on the holiday of a lifetime.

Ben Diggle is appealing for help to raise enough money to make his three-year-old daughter Imogen’s Disney World dream a reality.

Imogen’s family, who live in Pellon, received the devastatin­g news she was fighting a brain tumour in February, but have vowed to take her on the magical trip once her treatment has finished.

Parents Ben and Sally first noticed something was wrong in October 2014, when Imogen began to have problems with her vision.

After being told their daughter was too young for an eye test, her parents pushed for hospital tests which revealed a mass and an MRI scan confirmed the family’s worst fears.

Ben, 28, said: “It was trau matic and a shock to us, even though we expected to hear something, and she soon started ten weeks of intense chemothera­py.

“Imogen has been so brave through her treatment and we feel she deserves a special treat for all her courage. She’s a little fighter.

“She has always loved her Disney princesses and is always singing along to Frozen, so we just thought a trip might give her a bit of a break.

“We are saving all we can and are so grateful for all the help we’ve received so far. The thought of the holiday is really keeping us going.”

Imogen will undergo initial treatment for 18 months, but her mum and dad have been told she has already completely lost the vision in her left eye.

“Her right is eye is doing all the work at the moment and we want to take her to Disney World just in case it does affect her other eye so she has some visual memories,” Ben added.

“But you just have to get on with it, you can get upset or you can stay positive for her and we’re just trying to carry on with our life as normal.”

The family’s GoFundMe fundraisin­g campaign has now reached £1,700 of their target of £5,000. To donate to the fund, visit www. gofundme.com/qmttbb4

She has been so brave and deserves a treat for her courage

 ??  ?? Imogen pictured with her family at their home in Pellon
Imogen pictured with her family at their home in Pellon

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