Halifax Courier

Siddal rusty, but still too good for Raiders


Siddal 36 Oulton Raiders 18 Siddal looked a little rusty after a three week break but just had enough to overcome a spirited Oulton Raiders whose performanc­e belied their lowly league position. It was the visitors who started the stronger and pressure on the Siddal line almost produced a try from a last tackle high kick but left wing Matty Bullough knocked on over the line.

A loose pass was claimed by Ross White, who ran upfield and with support on either side was able to touch down by the posts after a 75 metre run. Liam Coe added an easy conversion.

Three minutes later Oulton pushed deep into Siddal territory and on the last play hooker Craig Savage darted over from dummy half for an all too easy try. Dom Flanagan added a good conversion to level the scores.

Siddal capitalise­d three minutes later when Craig Sanderson produced his own grubber kick that Billy Hammond got to first. Coe was again successful with the conversion for a 12-6 lead.

On their next set Siddal increased their lead courtesy of White’s second try, coming onto a short Garrod pass and twisting out of the tackle to plant the ball down. Coe again added the extras and Siddal were 18-6 up after 23 minutes.

Siddal began the second half as Oulton did the first. Garrod’s grubber forced a drop out from under the posts. Fullback Freddie Walker was held up over the line and Siddal moved the ball sharply to the left to centre Chester Butler who was stopped just short.

Siddal wing Gareth Blackburn was sin binned for dissent but the home side increased their lead from the resultant penalty when Garrod guided a short reverse kick in behind the posts and Sanderson was first to get some downward pressure on the ball. Coe added his fourth conversion for a 24-6 lead.

On the hour mark they stretched their lead again when White capped a fine performanc­e by scoring his third try. Coe added conversion number five.

To their credit Oulton hit straight back. Recovering their own restart the ball was moved to right centre Dan Hardy who evaded Butler’s challenge to score a deserved try and with Flanagan’s goal Siddal’s lead was cut to 30-12.

Hardy’s next involvemen­t two minutes later wasn’t as good as he suffered concussion after tackling Butler and had to leave the game.

The try of the game came in the 70th minute. Oulton were on the attack and prodded the ball into Siddal’s in goal. Siddal substitute Joel MacFarlane fielded the kick and managed to evade several Oulton chasers though still behind his own line.

MacFarlane threw a risky pass to right winger Taniela Bakosa who just managed to get round his opposite number right on the touchline and then ran 100 metres to score a great try.

 ??  ?? Ross White played a major role in Siddal’s success
Ross White played a major role in Siddal’s success
 ??  ?? Cayci Pearson was Elland’s man-of-the-match against Saddlewort­h
Cayci Pearson was Elland’s man-of-the-match against Saddlewort­h

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