Halifax Courier

Stuck through floor was final straw for Dan

- Sal Wilcox

A SOWERBY Bridge man has undergone an inspiratio­nal slimming transforma­tion after falling through and getting stuck in the floor.

“I felt mega embarrasse­d and useless that I couldn’t do my job, but at the time I was laughing along with the lads so I didn’t feel bad about myself until I got home and starting to think I need to change,” said Daniel Mann.

The local welder has lost a staggering 8st 11lbs. At his biggest Daniel weighed 24st 8.5lbs, he now wights a trim 15 st 11lbs. Before his weight loss Daniel was a 44inch waist, he is now a 36inch waist.

His weight loss has lead to him gaining energy and confidence,

“I feel brilliant, I’m full of energy.

“I have started cycling with a mate, he asked me to start a while back, but I didn’t want to give it a go until I’d lost a bit of weight. Now he can’t keep up with me.

“It’s changed my life for the better.

Dan has been following the Slimming World diet his wife Deborah, who has lost around two and a half stone. As well as supporting eachother, they have introduced a bit of healthy competitio­n, seeing who can get the most steps in a day on their pedometers.

Daniel has ditched his breakfast bacon buttie for a healthy portion of overnight oats. Typical lunches include chicken salads and Spaghetti Bolognese is a tea time favourite.

“We associate diets with rabbit food, but you can still eat healthy and have naughty days. We still have the occasional takeaway but we’ll pick better options.”

Deborah had tried to get him to go to Slimming World in the past, but he wasn’t in the right mindset to start a diet due to his dad being poorly.

His dad unfortunat­ely passed away in June last year. Before he died, he told Daniel to start prioritisi­ng his health.

“My dad told me that I needed to sort my weight out that spurred me on to go to Slimming World.

“I started going about four weeks before he died and I’ve stuck with it.I just wanted to make my dad proud. My mum has to look at me twice now that I’ve lost so much weight.”

‘I just wanted to make my dad proud’

YOUR SAY: Send your stories to newsdesk@halifaxcou­rier.co.uk.

 ??  ?? SUPER SLIMMER: Daniel Mann and his wife Deborah. Photo by Bruce Fitzgerald.
SUPER SLIMMER: Daniel Mann and his wife Deborah. Photo by Bruce Fitzgerald.
 ??  ?? TIGHT SQUEEZE: Daniel stuck in the floor at work.
TIGHT SQUEEZE: Daniel stuck in the floor at work.

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