Halifax Courier

Man pulls knife out on officer

- Court Reporter

A MAN became desperate to be arrested by police after drug dealers took over his then home in Calderdale, a court heard.

Daniel Lister, aged 43, thought he had achieved that by being spotted shopliftin­g.

But when the police decided to deal with the offending with only a warning he pulled out a knife.

Lister, now of Blaen Waun, Newcastle Emlyn, west Wales, admitted possessing a knife in a public place, assaulting a police officer and failing to attend court hearings.

Gareth Waite, prosecutin­g, told Swansea Crown Court how on March 3 last year staff at a supermarke­t told a police officer standing outside that a shoplifter had left and gone to the nearby Dusty Miller pub in Mytholmroy­d.

PC Mathew Hobson arrested Lister and placed him in a police car.

On told he would be released with a warning Lister pulled out an opened lock knife and tried to snatch an incapacita­ting spray from the officer.

After a struggle PC Hobson managed to wrestle him to the ground and handcuff him.

Lister told the police he had wanted to be arrested and held in custody because he was fearful of returning home.

He explained that drug dealers had forced their way in and were using his home as a den to sell from.

Lister’s barrister, Carina Hughes, said he had found himself in a desperate situation.

Lister was jailed for six months and ordered to complete 15 days of a rehabilita­tion activity.

ONLINE: Read more at www. halifaxcou­rier.co.uk

 ??  ?? JAILED: A man has been jailed for six months
JAILED: A man has been jailed for six months

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