Halifax Courier

Rwanda policy

- Otto Inglis, via email

it could be here.

Therefore, the only possible long-term solution is to diminish the difference, and the cash promised by successive COP meetings to compensate third world countries for the effects of climate change would be a valuable first step in that direction.

It is disgracefu­l that so many leading politician­s and journalist­s play along with the Rwanda charade.

The government is unwilling to take firm action to end the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the Channel each year.

The demand for migration from poor, corrupt and repressive countries to the UK is effectivel­y limitless. Also, most of those making the journey are young male economic migrants with little to offer our country.

If we don’t deter arrivals,

the numbers will just keep rising.

A genuinely democratic government would carry out the will of the people. It would arrest the illegals on arrival and detain them behind razor wire until they could be returned to their own countries.

It would face down the courts with their endless human rights excuses, why we have to let everyone in and pay for them indefinite­ly. It would most certainly not attempt to deceive the British people.

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