Halifax Courier

Frustratio­n at roadworks

- John Greenwood Local Democracy Reporter @HXCourier

An exasperate­d councillor has been asking if utility firms can be fined if roadworks take longer than expected on Calderdale’s roads.

To some extent, councils are at the mercy of utility companies when it comes to roadworks, councillor­s were told.

Coun Robert Thornber (Con, Ryburn) had asked cabinet members what the council could do to address scenarios where roadworks were put in place and were still there months later, sometimes with no work being undertaken.

He cited recent instances at Ryburn and Barkisland of the sort people throughout Calderdale found frustratin­g.

“What powers could the council use to speed these roadworks up and perhaps have a more detailed time schedule for utility companies, because some of these are dragging on for months,” he said.

“We’ve even had a situation in Ryburn on Ripponden Bank where they turned up one Friday afternoon, put some temporary lights on and then by Monday morning – after they had caused chaos at the weekend – no work took place.

“Can we start looking to what powers we can use and get detailed time schedules? It would be lovely if we could then actually fine them if they went over.”

Coun Thornber acknowledg­ed there were times and circumstan­ces when closures had to take place for work.

He wondered if a by-law could be created to tackle the issue.

Cabinet member for public services and communitie­s, Coun Jenny Lynn (Lab, Park) said she shared the frustratio­ns.

Utilities do have to obtain permits from the council for some work but local authoritie­s were limited in what they could do, she said.

When roadworks were put up and nothing happened it was “absolutely infuriatin­g”, she added.

“I don’t think we have the powers to fine the utility companies."

The council did talk to firms, for example talks were ongoing with Yorkshire Water about incidents where a certain number of bursts might mean talking about real, comprehens­ive infrastruc­ture work being needed, said Coun Lynn.

When water bursts happened, there was no option but for roadworks to be set up for repairs, she said.

 ?? ?? Lights Halifax Road, Todmorden.
Lights Halifax Road, Todmorden.
 ?? ?? Coun Robert Thornber
Coun Robert Thornber

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