Halifax Courier

Late breakaway try consigns Rishworthi­ans to heart-breaking loss


Old Rishworthi­an had victory snatched from them in the final minutes of their Counties 1 Yorkshire clash at Wensleydal­e.

Missing three of their regular starting forwards, the visitors were expected to struggle against the much bigger home pack, but instead they more than held their own, especially in the first half.

In the second half, however they were constantly penalised, allowing the home team back into the game.

This, coupled with sloppiness at the restarts saw the game on a knife edge near the end.

It looked like the visitors would hang on until a late converted try left them on the wrong end of a 31-25 scoreline and with only a losing bonus point to show for their efforts.

It all started well with fullback Rangi Kui giving them the lead with a penalty in the first minute.

Number eight Nick Faulkner, who had an outstandin­g game, made an initial break through the centre and was then on hand after the breakdown to put prop Brady Dawson on a burst to the line.

He almost made it, but the pack rallied and drove over with prop Matty Tooby getting the touchdown. Kui converted.

Rishworthi­ans were soaking up any home pressure and soon went further ahead thanks to ace try poacher Anthony Shoesmith, who intercepte­d and ran 50 metres to the line. Kui converted.

They were unable to deal with the restart and lost the ball, allowing the home side to gather and run in for a converted try.

The visitors hit straight back, Faulkner stealing the ball and sending it out. A long pass from Kui enabled centre Kurt Sutcliffe to put fellow centre Chris Robinson over.

Wensleydal­e came back strongly and managed to force their way over for a converted try to reduce the arrears, but there was still time before the break for Kui to add a penalty to make it 25-14 at half time.

Again Rishworthi­ans were not able to deal with the restart and immediatel­y conceded three points with a penalty.

After that they were penalised time and time again, giving the home side the opportunit­y to narrow the gap to one point with a converted try. With time almost up a breakaway by the home backs brought a converted try to inflict a agonising defeat on the visitors.

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