Halifax Courier

How to help your relatives to live more comfortabl­y in later life

- Dominic Brown dominic.brown@nationalwo­rld.com @HXCourier

Having the conversati­on with elderly relatives about how to offer them more help in their later years can often be difficult.

But by making some simple changes to their property, it can be made safer and more comfortabl­e, allowing them to retain their sense of independen­ce by staying in their own home.

Widening door frames or changing the direction in which the internal room doors open can help with getting around the home, particular­ly for those who use a wheelchair or a walking frame. An extra banister rail or a stairlift can make getting up and down the stairs easier.

In the bathroom, swapping the bath for a “wet room” style shower means you can walk straight in. Alternativ­ely, installing a bath with a side opening removes the need to climb over the side to get in.

Consider arranging for your elderly relatives to attend a regular lunch club for older people where they can get a hot meal and meet friends. There are also friendship centres where groups of older people meet for social activities.

Many doctors’ surgeries and opticians now offer home visits, removing the need to travel.

If you feel that the time has come to discuss your elderly relatives moving into a care home, many providers offer a way for them to still maintain a sense of independen­ce.

Lovett Care has introduced an innovative robot at its flagship Fairfax Manor in Harrogate to help support residents and provide an additional “team member” in a fun and interactiv­e environmen­t.

Alfred, as named by the home, can be seen weaving his way through the orangery or dining areas where residents and team members can return cups and plates back to another part of the home or even send a cup of tea to a bedroom.

Recent visitors to the home have received a demonstrat­ion of this cutting-edge technology and the home has shared the benefits of how this will enhance residents’ time in the home.

Chief operating officer Debbie Baker said: “As a forward-thinking organisati­on, we remain committed to continuous­ly enhancing our services through the adoption of innovative technologi­es that improve the quality of care and support for our residents.”

 ?? ?? There are many ways in which an elderly relative’s home can be adapted to help them maintain independen­ce.
There are many ways in which an elderly relative’s home can be adapted to help them maintain independen­ce.
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