Halifax Courier

Man’s early ‘hours rampage’


- Court Reporter newsdesk@halifaxcou­rier.co.uk @HXCoiurier

One car was burnt out and eight others had their tyres slashed or punctured after a 22-year-old man went on a “rampage” in streets in Greetland and Elland last summer.

William Smith was said to have been “in a dark place” after a fall-out with his partner when he indiscrimi­nately attacked vehicles and homes during the early hours of August 2.

Smith, of no fixed abode, was jailed last week for a total of four years and three months after he admitted committing 13 offences that night and then carrying two further burglary offences while he was on bail.

Prosecutor Lydia Pearce told Bradford Crown Court that Smith’s offending began just after 1am when he got into a Nissan Note vehicle and stole about £3 in loose change.

About half an hour later he got into a Ford Focus parked up on Featherbed Close in Greetland and set fire to the vehicle.

Miss Pearce said other neighbours came out to move their cars away from the vehicle which was burnt out in the attack.

Smith interfered with another vehicle on the same street before embarking on a spree of criminal damage offences against cars in Featherbed Close and Hullen Edge Gardens, Elland.

The court heard that various cars including a Renault Twingo, a Hyundai, a VW Passat and a VW Golf had their tyres punctured.

Smith also used the knife he was carrying to hack at a Ring doorbell at one home damaging it beyond repair and he also damaged two ceramic plant pots and a window pane.

Some of Smith’s activities were caught on CCTV and when he was interviewe­d by police a few weeks late he answered “no comment” to all questions.

While on bail Smith went on to commit two burglaries in Halifax and Wakefield in October and November 2023.

During the Halifax offence he stole keys to a Range Rover while the occupants of the house were asleep in the early hours and the vehicle was later found abandoned in a supermarke­t car park.

Smith, who had previous burglary conviction­s when he was a teenager, eventually pleaded guilty to a catalogue of offences including arson, possession of a knife, criminal damage, vehicle interferen­ce, burglary and theft.

Barrister Nicola Hoskins, for Smith, said he described himself as “being in a dark place” and submitted that the arson had been a reckless offence.

But Judge Colin Burn said the offence had had quite a serious social impact with alarmed neighbours moving their vehicles to get them away from the burning car.

“The defendant would wish the court to know that he is deeply remorseful for his behaviour,” said Miss Hoskins.

“He has out his hands up to absolutely everything and he can see how people would be affected by his behaviour.”

The court heard that Smith had suffered with mental health issues and had not been taking his prescribed medication at the time of his offending.

 ?? ?? William Smith was jailed last week.
William Smith was jailed last week.

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