Halifax Courier

Now I’m feeling fabulous in my 50s


Losing 4st has given Tina Petty her confidence to shine from the inside out. Tina, 52, is a Person Stylist and Colour Consultant. She lives in Holywell Green with her husband and two daughters.

Tina says, “If you told me two years ago that I would be wearing size 12 Clothes, I wouldn’t have believed it! Like many people I found it difficult throughout the lockdown period and just as it came to the end I turned to food as a crutch as I struggled emotionall­y with family bereavemen­ts. My plans of feeling fabulous at 50 did not happen.”

“At my 50th celebratio­ns I felt so disappoint­ed, not confident, I wasn’t interested in what I was wearing at my party. I felt old.”

“In February a client came to see me and she was just glowing. She explained how she was feeling fabulous after losing 3st attending a Slimming World Group. This really got me thinking, I knew I wanted to make a change, I had been a member previously so I knew it worked. I wanted to be a role model to my daughters.”

“In March 2022 I went along to the Slimming World Group at Elland Cricket club. Within seconds of walking into the room, I knew I made the right decision and this was exactly the place that I would get the help. The other members were so friendly and chatty. They all had similar experience­s to mine. Michelle the consultant was so reassuring and I left Group that morning feeling positive for the weeks ahead.”

In her first week Tina lost 4lbs. “I enjoy the fact we can eat the same meal as a family and still lose weight. I eat lots of different foods including pasta, bread, rice, creamy salmon pasta with broccoli and garlic being one of my favourites. I still enjoy the occasional gin. “

“Previously I have lost weight following other restrictiv­e diets which I just couldn’t sustain. At Slimming World I found that I settled into a steady weight loss each week, which I was happy to achieve. It does work! If ever I had not lost weight in a week, with the support of Michelle and the other members in Group they helped me to see where I might have let the extra high calorie foods or drinks slip in. They just get it as they’re all slimmers too and understand that sometimes it is challengin­g.”

“As a family we always went on walks with our dog. Living in quite a hilly area I was always having to stop half way up the hills as I’d be out of breath and my joints ached. Now since losing the weight I don’t need to stop, I love the feeling of having more energy.”

“As time has gone by, I fit into any clothes I want to wear. I feel confident at work and overall happy. I’m so proud of everything I’ve achieved and can’t thank the friends I have made in

Group enough for believing in me. Achieving my personal achievemen­ts target is the best thing ever!! I can’t stop smiling!”

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