Halifax Courier

No excuses

- Michael Green, via email

monarchy adds stability and cohesion to Britain.

OK, streamline it but don’t overdo it otherwise it loses its significan­ce.

In our household we have a wonderful cat named Mystery, she is the focal point and adds stability to our lives, just as the monarchy does to the nation.

Where on earth does the idea come from that large numbers of voters don’t know they will need ID in order to vote and are therefore going to be turned away on the day?

Everybody on the electoral roll gets a poll card which tells them where their polling station is, the day of the election, and the voting hours.

And since last year it also tells them they need photo ID, and what form of ID is acceptable.

So anyone who says “I genuinely didn’t know” obviously isn’t bothered about voting anyway.

Which sadly seems to apply to a lot of people nowadays.

By all means have a debate about whether levels of electoral fraud are high enough to warrant a requiremen­t for ID.

But let’s stop having pressure groups whinge that the current system is slanted for or against particular political parties, or for or against particular sections of society.

All they’re usually interested in, is rigging the system so that their side wins.

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All they’re usually interested in, is rigging the system so that their side wins

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