Halifax Courier



1 What type of fruit is a Worcester Pearmain?

A Apple

B Cherry

C Peach

2 Which sport, officially included in the 1998 Winter Olympics, involves sliding a stone towards a ‘house’? A Luge

B Ice hockey

C Curling

3 In Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park, inside which preserved creatures that had sucked dinosaur blood did scientists discover dinosaur DNA?

A Mosquitos

B Ticks

C Bees

4 Which Andrew Lloyd Webber musical is performed on roller-skates?

A Starlight Express

B The Phantom of the Opera C Cats

5 What type of foodstuff is made from the sap of certain species of the Acer family, the largest producer being Quebec, Canada? A Maple syrup

B Birch syrup

C Honey

6 Which new film stars Mark Wahlberg as an adventure racer who adopts a dog that joins him on an endurance race?

A Charles the Prince

B Arthur the King

C Albert the Consort

7 Which Australian comedian hosted the first ever Comedy Prom from the Royal Albert Hall in 2011? A Jack Whitehall

B Adam Hills

C Tim Minchin

8 A form of which type of poison can be found in apple seeds in tiny amounts?

A Mercury

B Cyanide

C Arsenic 9 Anvil-shaped cumulonimb­us clouds are linked with what weather type? A Sunshine

B Snowfall

C Thundersto­rms

10 Which period in British history does the slogan ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ come from?

A The Second World War

B The Victorian era

C The First World War

11 Which US radio drama, narrated by Orson Welles as news bulletins following an alien invasion, caused panic among some listeners in 1938? A The Day the Earth Stood Still

B The War of the Worlds

C The Twilight Zone

12 What name is given to the Middle Eastern dish of deep-fried balls of ground chick-peas or fava beans, usually served in pitta bread?

A Pita

B Falafel

C Shawarma

13 In the 1967 children’s show Trumpton, what was the profession of Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub? A Doctors

B Firemen

C Butchers

16 For what event of 1951 was the Royal Festival Hall on London’s South Bank built? A Coronation of

Queen Elizabeth II

B The Festival of Britain C Royal Wedding of Queen Elizabeth II

17 Which species of animal is affected by the illness myxomatosi­s, which was illegally introduced to the UK in 1953? A Rabbit

B Fox

C Squirrel

18 Which shrub with large flowerhead­s grows blue coloured flowers in acidic soil and pink coloured flowers in alkaline soil? A Hydrangea

B Roses

C Tulips

19 What is the characteri­stic symptom of someone suffering from narcolepsy?

A Extreme sweating B Suddenly falling asleep C Uncontroll­able laughter

20 What name is given to a common piece of laboratory equipment used for heating and sterilisin­g, which burns a continuous stream of gas? A Flask burner

B Burner train

C Bunsen burner

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Mark Wahlberg See Question 6

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