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Brother is guilty

Birthday celebratio­ns end in assault

- Court reporter

A Bothwell man has been found guilty of attacking his own brother, leaving him requiring complex reconstruc­tion surgery.

A jury took less than an hour to find Craig Fellows guilty by unanimous verdict of assaulting Steven Fellows at Hamilton Sheriff Court last week.

A Lanarkshir­e thug viciously attacked his brother after the family had been out celebratin­g the accused’s birthday.

Craig Fellows, of St Bride’s Way in Bothwell, assaulted his 31-yearold brother Steven Fellows at the complainer’s home in Blantyre’s Larchfield Drive on the night of March 26 last year.

The 40-year-old accused had denied a charge of assaulting Steven Fellows to his severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent, along with charges of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner in a cell van between Larchfield Drive and Hamilton Police Office, and a charge of breaching a bail condition curfew. He also lodged a special defence stating he had been attacked by his brother.

However, last Friday, a jury took less than an hour to find Craig Fellows guilty on all three charges by unanimous verdict.

Blood stains on Craig Fellows’ clothing matched his brother’s DNA profile. The court also heard that following the attack, Steven Fellows had his right leg put in a full-length cast. His right knee was fractured along with his shin bone. Complex reconstruc­tion surgery had been required. According to a doctor, the injuries were consistent with an assault and will leave permanent scarring – along with the risk of arthritis of the knee in later life and possibly knee replacemen­t surgery.

Giving evidence at Hamilton Sheriff Court last Thursday afternoon, Steven Fellows said he did not recall telling police what had happened – and did not think it possible that he had done so.

He could not remember speaking to them, he said.

Fiscal depute Paula Russell pointed out that officers had told the court that Steven Fellows had been lying on the floor with his leg at an angle after police arrived at the Larkfield Drive address.

An officer, she told the witness, had said: ‘My brother Craig punched the f*** out of me. He was throttling me and trying to bite my ear off.”

He denied he had made the remarks to the officer and told Ms Russell he would “definitely” recall saying such a thing.

Another officer, she put it to Steven Fellows, had told the court that he told the officer that ‘Craig pure kicked the s*** out of me’.

He replied: “It doesn’t sound like me. I can’t remember saying it.”

Ms Russell played Steven Fellows a tape recording of a 999 call made by his wife Tracey Fellows that night. In the recording Ms Fellows told the call handler that her brother-in-law (the accused) had kicked her partner about. She also told the call handler that Craig Fellows had been ‘kicking the living daylights’ out of Steven Fellows – and the reason for the attack was that Craig Fellows had fallen out with his partner and was taking it out on his brother. Ms Russell asked Steven Fellows if that jogged his memory, but he said it did not.

Questioned further however, he said that he could remember being involved in a “scuffle” where he pushed his brother away from him.

Ms Russell asked how that accorded with him having the living daylights kicked out of him. Steven Fellows said: “Tracey can be a bit extreme at times.”

The jury returned guilty verdicts to amended charges which left out mention of Craig Fellows having tried to bite his brother on the head and body and on his ear as well as mention of him having banged his head in the cell van.

Sheriff David Bicket deferred sentence on Craig Fellows until February 6 for a criminal justice social work report. Bail was continued meantime.

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