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Super slimmer teen’s fab five stone weight loss

Megan (19) drops three dress sizes

- Shirley Bartynek

A Hamilton teenager whose confidence had hit rock bottom because of her weight has shed more than five stones in just eight months.

Top slimmer Megan Mcbride is celebratin­g after losing a staggering 5st and 2lbs after joining Slimming World’s class at the United Reform Church.

The 19-year-old was so unhappy with her size, after seeing her holiday photos, that her self-confidence was at rock bottom and she felt like the odd one out among her friends.

Then in July, Megan joined Slimming World. She took her mum along for moral support and began her transforma­tion.

She said: “I was so unhappy with my weight and was really nervous the first time I went to the group. I felt embarrasse­d and thought everyone would judge me for being overweight at such a young age.

“I couldn’t have been more wrong though, everyone was really friendly and made me feel welcome. I’ve made lots of friends – of all ages – so I love going to group and seeing everyone every week now.”

Megan began following Slimming World’s food optimising healthy eating plan, which encourages slimmers to fill up on healthy foods and make small changes to the way they shop, cook and eat that make a big difference to their waistline, like swapping white bread for wholemeal or fast food burgers and chips for homemade ones.

She said: “Thanks to talking to other members in group and sharing ideas, I’ve learned a lot about food and love cooking and making recipes for myself from scratch, like pakora, curries and pizzas, so I’m not reliant on microwave ready meals, or junk food anymore.”

Megan, who has dropped from being a size 18 to 12, has blossomed since dropping five stone and she no longer feels like “the odd one out”.

She said: “I love being able to wear the same clothes as my friends and enjoy going out with them more now I’ve lost weight, and I’m really looking forward to going on holiday this year.

“I’ve got so much more energy. I love going out walks, which is something I would never have done before, as I used to feel self-conscious about doing anything physical in public but I don’t anymore – I’m just like everyone else!”

Anita Kerr who runs the group, said: “Everyone in the United Reform Church group is so proud of Megan. She’s a huge inspiratio­n.”

Megan was also crowned the group’s Young Slimmer of the Year 2017 by her fellow members.

 ??  ?? After great Megan is feeling and looking
After great Megan is feeling and looking
 ??  ?? Before Megan was unhappy with her size
Before Megan was unhappy with her size

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