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Brain cancer woman’s praise for cannabis oil

Lynn says it has prolonged her life

- Stefanie Mccourt

A Blantyre woman who was diagnosed with incurable brain cancer almost four years ago has credited cannabis oil for her survival.

Lynn Cameron (48) was given just “six to 18 months” to live in December 2013.

Following sessions of chemothera­py and radiothera­py, she opted to try cannabis oil in a desperate bid to save her life.

And now she is part of a new campaign group, Medical Cannabis Reform Scotland, pushing “for the reform of the current prohibitiv­e laws around the use of cannabis for medication”.

Lynn explained: “I took a seizure on November 30, 2013, prior to which I had been quite well.

“I had a scan on December 10 at Hairmyres Hospital and it showed a mass, and I was taken straight into Southern General at that point.

“I was operated on on December 16, and on December 27 I was told that I had stage 4 terminal brain cancer.

“So I underwent the chemothera­py and radiothera­py combined, but was told even then I would live six to 18 months at best.

“A good friend suggested cannabis, but I was too scared because it’s illegal. I also found it hard to believe that it would cure brain cancer so advanced.

“But as the scans were showing there was no change to the mass, I eventually thought, ‘I’m going to break the mold here and try that.’”

Lynn began desperatel­y researchin­g alternativ­e medicines and diets in a desperate attempted to win her battle with cancer.

She continued: “I researched more and more into natural ‘cancer killers’ and decided to follow an alkaline diet and cut out processed foods altogether. I also cut out sugar completely.

“I started taking cannabis oil under my tongue, as it gets straight into the blood stream that way.

“Each scan I received after that was showing an improvemen­t. I had been told that chemothera­py and radiothera­py doesn’t make much difference, so I knew it must be the cannabis doing it.

“By the sixth MRI, the cancer had gone.”

Lynn had kept her use of cannabis oil from doctors, but challenged them on the use of the drug after receiving the all-clear.

She added: “The doctors treating me didn’t know about the cannabis oil until I got the results.

“I challenged them on it, but they dismissed it. They weren’t taught about cannabis at medical school – more for a political reason than medical I believe.

“They told me, ‘eat whatever you like, take all the vitamins you want, it won’t work’.

“But these were the people who told me my cancer was incurable, and it was gone.

“The British Medical Journal hasn’t properly investigat­ed cannabis. The irony was they were giving me morphine and codeine in the wards. Prior to becoming ill, I had never taken a pill before in my life.

“It was up to me what treatment I took, and I’m glad I researched it.”

Lynn will join a meeting with the Medical Cannabis Reform Scotland group in Edinburgh, near the Parliament building, on September 7.

 ??  ?? Brain cancer survivor Lynn Cameron
Brain cancer survivor Lynn Cameron

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