Hamilton Advertiser

The name game


Hidden in the grid is the name of a politician. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.

BOX1: What is sake made from?

Pasta (T) Rice (I) Lentils (M)

BOX2: According to Greek mythology what was the only spirit that remained in Pandora’s box?

Hope (C) Faith (E) Love (O)

BOX3: What colour is the cross on the Swedish flag?

Yellow (B) Green (P) Red (S)

BOX4: Sandra Bullock (pictured) won a Golden Globe for her portrayal in which film?

A Time to Kill (U) The Blind Side (E) While You Were Sleeping (O)

BOX5: Nick Carraway was the narrating lead character in which classic novel?

Gulliver’s Travels (L) The Great Gatsby (N) Ulysses (M)

BOX6: What ships did Vikings sail in?

Longships (C) Pirogue (R) Coracle (N)

BOX7: What is the common name for hydrogen hydroxide?

Earth (S) Water (A) Fire (I)

BOX8: What is Marilyn Monroe’s real name?

Betty Joan Perske (K) Norma Jeane Mortenson (E) Caryn Johnson (Y)

BOX9: What is the common name for the main vent at the top of a volcano?

Crater (V) Flank (D) Sill (F)

BOX10: In the film Mars Attacks! what is the name of the president?

John Lindeberg (G) James Dale (L) Alan Richmond (R)

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