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More jail time for armed mugger

- Court reporter

A mugger who robbed a man at knifepoint in Hamilton has been sent to prison for more than three years.

Douglas Boothroyd (23), a prisoner, was on early release from jail at the time, Hamilton Sheriff Court heard.

Boothroyd admitting presenting a knife at Jakob Bierbasz and robbing him of a wallet and money in Woodlea Drive on February 7 this year.

He a l s o a d m i t t e d assaulting Zugmunt Bierbasz by presenting a knife at him on a path between Newlands Drive and Loudenhill Avenue that same day.

Andy Iles, defending, said his client recognises he has a “bad” record, adding: “He had a difficult childhood and developed heroin and valium addiction.

“These and previous offences have occurred as a consequenc­e as he has tried to get funds to feed his addiction.

“He has spent a lot of time in custody and accepts he now faces another prison sentence. However, he has shown remorse and there is a suggestion that on his eventual release he hopes to take a different path.

“He has been drug- free while in prison awaiting this case.”

Sheriff Douglas Brown told Boothroyd the robbery charge was serious, particular­ly given his record.

The sheriff jailed him for a total of three years and three months.

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