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Sword attack in a block of flats Terrified victim jumped out of window


A court has heard how a terrified man leapt from a block of flats after his pal attacked him with a sword.

Gavin Watt said he was in fear of his life when he took the decision to jump. His heel was shattered by the impact when he landed on the ground and the sword cut him on the arm.

John Duncan (35) was found guilty of detaining Mr Watt against his will and assault to severe injury and permanent impairment after trial at Hamilton Sheriff Court.

The attack happened at Duncan’s home in Camnethan Street, Stonehouse, on August 8 last year.

Sheriff Shiona Waldron jailed him for two-and-a-half-years.

The court heard Duncan owed the victim £25 and sent him a text message asking him to come to his first floor flat.

Mr Watt told Vish Kathuria, prosecutin­g, he arrived there between 7am and 8am.

The witness explained: “John let me in and told me to be quiet as his missus was sleeping. He ran down the stairs and locked the door.

“I went into the flat and sat on a bed. The next thing, John is swinging a sword.

“I didn’t know that his partner was in the bedroom, but she then popped up from behind the bed and grabbed me to let John try to hit me again.

“I got out to the close but because the outside door was locked I jumped out of the window at the top of the stairs.

“John had said his dad was coming to get me and I would be getting carried out. I was just trying to get out of the building because you fear for your life when there is a sword about.”

Mr Watt rejected a defence claim that, rather than being the victim, he had started the trouble by producing a crossbow and pointing it at Duncan.

He admitted to Duncan’s lawyer, Jackson Bateman, that he is on various types of medication, but denied that these make his behaviour erratic and that he suffers from paranoia.

Mr Bateman suggested that Duncan had asked him over because his partner was unwell and he wanted Mr Watt to “have a look at her”.

The witness replied: “First I’ve heard of that.”

The lawyer went on to allege that the men, for no clear reason, started shouting at each other.

But Mr Watt told him: “That’s a total fabricatio­n. There was no argument. He just came at me, swinging the sword.”

Mr Watt conceded he had a small crossbow in his home but it was used only for target practice inside and in his garden.

Mr Bateman persisted, telling him: “You weren’t happy with Mr Duncan because he owed you money. You’re paranoid and you pulled out the crossbow.

“You then jumped out of the window and he’s left wondering what is going on.”

Duncan denied assault and causing the victim to leap from the window, but the jury found him guilty after a two-day trial.

 ??  ?? Court Hamilton Sheriff
Court Hamilton Sheriff

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