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Savage street attack

Victim needed plastic surgery after assault


A man suffered facial fractures and needed plastic surgery after a savage and unprovoked attack in Hamilton town centre.

Two 17-year-old males, who can’t be named because of their age, admitted the life-threatenin­g assault when they appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court this week.

Scott King, prosecutin­g, said that victim Francis Reynolds had six plates, held together by 40 screws, fitted into his face during surgery 11 days after the attack.

The youths admitted assaulting Mr Reynolds (35) to his severe injury and the danger of his life in Cadzow Street on March 18 last year. The pair also admitted shouting abuse and chasing the victim’s friend David Convery (37) and one of them admitted stealing Mr Convery’s phone.

Mr King said the two men had been out socialisin­g and went to a cash machine at around 2am.

They became aware of a group, including the two accused, following them. One of the accused shouted a derogatory term at Mr Reynolds.

The fiscal said: “Mr Reynolds told the group to leave them alone, but one of the accused kicked Mr Reynolds’s ankles from behind, causing him to fall.

“Both accused then kicked and punched him repeatedly to the face.

“Mr Convery grabbed hold of his friend and began to pull him away, but he was chased away and the assault continued as Mr Reynolds was on the ground.

“One of the accused picked up Mr Convery’s phone which he had dropped. Mr Convery ran to a takeaway and the police and ambulance service were contacted.”

The accused were traced near the scene of the attack.

Mr Reynolds, who was knocked unconsciou­s during the assault, suffered fractures to his jaw, eye socket and nose.

A scan revealed minor bleeding to the brain, but this didn’t require treatment.

His vision was affected improved after surgery.

Mr King added: “The victim also required plastic surgery to his but, this nose. He has a consultati­on later this month when a decision will be taken on possible further plastic surgery.”

Neither accused has previous conviction­s and sentence was deferred until March 4 for background reports.

Sheriff Ray Small warned the pair, who are on bail, that they could be locked up.

He told them: “The court will always take a dim view of assaults that involve kicking people on the head.

“Don’t assume that because you have never been in trouble before that you will escape detention.

“I am seriously considerin­g that, but I will not make up my mind until I have read the reports and heard from your solicitors.”

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