Hamilton Advertiser

Floored by one punch

Attack left man disfigured


A man has admitted a serious assault on a fellow drinker at an Uddingston hotel.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard that Jack Martin floored Andrew Hill with one punch in an unprovoked attack at Angels.

Mr Hill (40) suffered two fractures to his jaw as a result of the blow.

Martin (20), of Hornbeam Road, Viewpark, admitted assaulting him to his severe injury, permanent disfigurem­ent and permanent impairment in September 2017.

Mr Hill and his wife had spent the evening drinking in the hotel.

Neil Thomson, prosecutin­g, told the court that staff were ushering patrons out at 1am – closing time – but had a difficulty with Mr Hill who was involved in a “heated discussion” with his wife.

The fiscal explained: “They were asked politely to leave, but Mr Hill began to argue with door staff.

“Attempts were made by staff and, indeed, by the manager to placate him, at which point the accused rushed forward and punched Mr Hill on the head.

“There appears to have been no prior interactio­n between them.

“The punch knocked Mr Hill to the ground and the accused ran off.”

Police arrived and trawled the hotel’s CCTV, which had captured the assault.

Martin’s solicitor, Eddie Robertson, described his client as a regular at Angels, but despite that it was five months before he was traced as a result of police publishing images from the CCTV.

Mr Thomson said the victim went home after the assault, but he was in “acute pain” the next day and went to hospital. X-rays revealed a double fracture of the jaw.

An operation was carried out which involved inserting four titanium plates and 16 screws in his face.

The surgery has left scarring and Mr Hill’s bite is “misaligned” as a result of his injury.

Mr Thomson told the court: “Informatio­n was received that the person who assaulted Mr Hill was the accused.

“It appears informatio­n to this effect must have reached the ears of Martin because two weeks after the images were published he attended at Motherwell police station.”

Sheriff Thomas Millar deferred sentence on Martin, who has no previous conviction­s, until March 14.

He told the accused: “Having regard to the serious consequenc­es of this one punch, I require background reports and a restrictio­n of liberty assessment.

“Your bail will continued.” be

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