Hamilton Advertiser

Shop worker raised alarm

Would-be robber nabbed


A hapless raider has avoided jail after a court heard of his amateurish robbery attempt at a Hamilton supermarke­t.

David Donaghey ordered an assistant to fill up his Asda carrier bag.

Not realising she was facing a would-be robber, the confused employee asked ‘With what?’.

Donaghey replied ‘With money’ and started to panic, also telling the woman ‘Hurry up, hurry up. Give me the money and don’t press the alarm’.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard the assistant now had her wits about her and raised her voice as she answered, alerting colleagues in the Family Choice supermarke­t in Hillhouse Road.

She also had the presence of mind to tell Donaghey to calm down and assured him she would get him money as she tried to buy time.

Aga Mathieson, prosecutin­g, said Donaghey then made a final desperate bid to get the woman to cooperate, telling her ‘There’s a guy outside. You don’t want me to bring him in, do you?’.

Donaghey again demanded money be put in his bag, which he’d put under the counter, but by now two other members of staff had become involved and one pressed the panic alarm.

The would-be robber had had enough and left the supermarke­t empty-handed, but he was seen getting into a car and the registrati­on number was noted.

Police were then able to identify Donaghey through the shop’s CCTV and he was detained.

Defence agent Ken Bonnington admitted that any attempt to rob a shop had to be treated seriously, but pointed out that when Donaghey was told he was getting no money he left quietly.

The solicitor stressed: “There were no threats made after that and there was no aggressive body language.”

Sheriff Shiona Waldron expressed concern that, in an interview with social workers, Donaghey didn’t seem to realise how serious the crime was.

The sheriff told him: “The normal response to an attempt to rob shop staff is a custodial sentence. I shall impose an alternativ­e, but if you don’t comply with it you can expect custody.”

Donaghey will be under supervisio­n for 12 months and must attend for substance misuse counsellin­g.

The sheriff also ordered him to be electronic­ally tagged for eight weeks which means he can’t leave home between 7pm and 7am each day.

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