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Pervert dad caught with sick pics

Cuthbert’s home was raided


A dad was caught with 90 photos and videos showing children being sexually abused.

IT manager Graham Cuthbert, of Phillips Wynd, Hamilton, also had a stash of pornograph­ic images depicting bestiality.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard he was away on holiday when his then home in East Kilbride was raided by police officers acting on informatio­n from the national online child abuse prevention body.

Cuthbert, 56, admitted possessing indecent images of children and extreme pornograph­y at the family home in Strathcono­n Gardens, East Kilbride, and elsewhere between October 2010 and September last year.

Vish Kathuria, prosecutin­g, said Cuthbert, a first offender, lived at the address with his wife, two sons and a daughter.

The sons were present when police officers arrived in the early hours of September 4 last year.

They carried out a “systematic” search and images were recovered from computer equipment belonging to Cuthbert.

There were 85 photos and five videos of children being abused plus 29 images depicting bestiality.

The children featured were both male and female, with ages thought to range from three years to 14.

Mr Kathuria added: “The police were told Cuthbert was on holiday and not due to return until September 7.

“When officers eventually contacted him he gave a ‘No comment’ interview.”

Sheriff Thomas Millar deferred sentence until January 23 for background reports and a risk assessment.

Cuthbert was put on the sex offenders’ register.

He was allowed to remain on bail.

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